

单词 prevalent
释义 prevalent, a. (n.)|ˈprɛvələnt|
(Also 7 prevailent.)
[ad. L. prævalēns, -ēnt-em very strong or powerful, pr. pple. of prævalēre: see prevail v. (Not in Fr.)]
That prevails; prevailing.
1. Having great power or force; effective, powerful; influential, cogent; efficacious, potent. absol. or const. with (a person). Now rare (and chiefly in connexions in which prevail is in use).
1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 67 Neither these, nor those consolations..ought not to seeme so preualent and effectuall, as the verie state it selfe of our citie.1624T. Taylor 2 Serm. ii. 23 Lifting up hands, and praiers, which are powerfull and prevalent against Amalek.1642Declar. Lords & Comm. 3 Aug. 15 Ill-affected persons, who are so prevalent with His Majestie.1711W. King tr. Naude's Ref. Politics iii. 106 Love is more prevalent in obtaining what you desire than fear.1796Burke Let. to C. J. Fox Wks. 1842 II. 389 He, and those who are much prevalent with him.1805Holcroft Bryan Perdue I. 265 Of all other instruction, that of example is the most prevalent.1828Bp. A. Jolly Sunday Serv. (1840) 76 Praying in faith..we may humbly hope that our prayers shall be prevalent.
b. Of medicines, etc.: Efficacious. Obs.
1615G. Sandys Trav. 126 A kind of Rue..much in request..esteeming it preualent against hurtfull spirits.1632tr. Bruel's Praxis Med. 7 Pils are more preualent then electuaries in this disease.1676Worlidge Cyder (1691) 194 Cider..is also prevalent against the stone.1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 163 A most prevalent Thing against the Green-Sickness.
2. Having the superiority or ascendancy; predominant, victorious. Now rare.
1614Raleigh Hist. World v. iii. §15 II. 511 But the yong Nephew..regarded only the things present; the weakenesse of Rome; the prevalent fortunes of Carthage.1640Ld. Say in Laud's Wks. (1857) VI. 120 A theological scarecrow, wherewith the potent and prevalent party uses to fright and enforce those who are not of their opinions.1761Hume Hist. Eng. III. xlv. 12 note, The Puritans, though then prevalent, did not think proper to dispute this great constitutional point.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. i. I. 79 The gross injustice, insolence, and cruelty of the party which was prevalent at Dort.
3. Most extensively used or practised; generally or widely accepted; of frequent occurrence; extensively existing; in general use.
1658Sir T. Browne Hydriot. Introd. (1736) 3 Which..from that Time spread, and became the prevalent Practice.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters I. 15 The false notion..so universally, so absurdly prevalent.1816Singer Hist. Cards 144 The watermark most prevalent..is found on the paper of books printed by Lucas Brandis de Schass.1827Roberts Voy. Centr. Amer. 32, I shall write the proper names..according to the most prevalent pronunciation.1834M. Somerville Connex. Phys. Sc. xv. (1849) 139 The most prevalent winds in Europe are the N.E. and S.W.1870Anderson Missions Amer. Bd. IV. xxxv. 271 The cholera was prevalent in that year.
B. n. (absol. use of adj.) That which is prevalent: see quots. Cf. prevalency 3 b. rare.
1867Latham Black & White 119 The complaint [ague] is familiarly spoken of as the ‘Prevalent’... When the ‘Prevalent’ is very prevalent, families have to arrange not to have it all at the same time.1872Lytton Parisians iii. vi, A lively pattern, in which the prevalents were rose-colour and white.




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