

单词 chlorophyll
释义 chlorophyll Bot. and Chem.|ˈklɔərəfɪl, ˈklɒr-|
(Also -phyle, -phylle, -phyl.)
[a. F. chlorophylle, f. Gr. χλωρός green + ϕύλλον leaf.]
1. The colouring matter of the leaves and other green parts of plants; found in the cells usually in the form of minute granules (chlorophyll-bodies or -corpuscles). Its chemical composition is uncertain. It forms the colouring matter also of various green water-animalcules, e.g. Hydra viridis.
[1818Pelletier & Caventou in Ann. de Chimie IX. 195 La matière verte des végétaux..Nous proposons de lui donner le nom de chlorophyle.]1819J. G. Children Chem. Anal. 287 Chlorophyle is the green colouring matter of the leaves of plants.1842Gray Struct. Bot. iii. §4. (1880) 88 The characteristic contents of the cells of parenchyma are grains of chlorophyll..to which the green color of foliage is wholly owing.1869Ruskin Q. of Air §57 When I want to know why a leaf is green, they tell me it is coloured by ‘chlorophyll’, which at first sounds very instructive; but if they would only say plainly that a leaf is coloured green by a thing which is called ‘green leaf’, we should see more precisely how far we had got.
2. Comb., as chlorophyll-body, chlorophyll-cell, chlorophyll-corpuscle, chlorophyll-grain, chlorophyll-granule.
1862H. Spencer First Princ. ii. xv. (1875) 335 The upper stratum..is composed of chlorophyll-cells.1872Oliver Elem. Bot. i. viii. 109 The colouring matter is limited to very minute granules lying in the colourless fluid contents. These are called the chlorophyll granules.1882Vines Sach's Bot. 45 These green-coloured portions of protoplasm..designated Chlorophyll-bodies.1883McNab Bot. (Lond. Sc. Class-bks.) i. 17 The chlorophyll granule consists of two parts; a colourless solid portion derived from the protoplasm..and a green colouring matter, the chlorophyll, which is diffused through and colours the granule.
Hence chlorophyˈllaceous a. [-aceous], containing chlorophyll; chloroˈphyllan, ‘a substance contained in chlorophyll; probably identical with what is called crystalline chlorophyll’ (Syd. Soc. Lex.); chloroˈphyllian a. [cf. F. chlorophyllien], of or pertaining to chlorophyll; chloroˈphyllite, (a) Bot. = chlorophyll; (b) Min., a greenish mineral, a variety of fahlunite, an altered form of iolite; chloroˈphyllous a., characterized by, or of the nature of chlorophyll.
1882Vines Sachs's Bot. 249 Forms belonging to the chlorophyllaceous series.Ibid. 758 The spectrum of Hoppe-Seyler's chlorophyllan is the same as that of chlorophyll.1880Nature XXI. 438 He did not succeed in demonstrating any chlorophyllian activity by the evolution of oxygen.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 425 The name chloro⁓phyllite has been given by Pelletier and Caventou to the green colouring matter of the leaves of plants.1841Amer. Jrnl. Sc. XII. 358 The aqueous content of the chlorophyllite.1863Berkeley Brit. Mosses 311 Gloss., Chlorophyllous, spoken of the leaf-cells when they..contain a..mass, or little pellets of chlorophyll.1871Cooke Fungi (1875) 117 No pure or chlorophyllous green.




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