

单词 Sherman
释义 I. Sherman1|ˈʃɜːmən|
The name of John Sherman (1823–1900), U.S. senator, used attrib. to designate either of two acts passed by Congress in 1890, one to prohibit combinations in restraint of inter-state or foreign trade, the other to maintain the price of silver by government purchase of silver bullion; also, to designate treasury notes issued under the provisions of the latter act.
1892Dem. Platform in K. Porter Nat. Party Platforms (1924) 162 We denounce the Republican legislation known as the Sherman Act of 1890.1894Harper's Mag. Jan. 318/1 Mr. Voorhees's substitute repealing the Sherman law was passed by a vote of 43 to 32.1897Money May 23 Government notes called Treasury notes of 1890, sometimes Sherman notes, sometimes Coin notes..were issued in payment of purchases of silver bullion from 1890–93.1947Atlantic Monthly June 73/1 In 1890 the Sherman Act was passed to ‘appease the restive masses’, but it would be fifty years before Thurman Arnold would demonstrate, briefly, that the Act could be made to work.1948Duncan (Oklahoma) Daily Banner 1 July 1/3 The U.S. Supreme Court..held that officers of the company and the firm itself had violated the Sherman anti-trust law.1974Encycl. Brit. Micropædia IV. 303/1 The Bland-Allison Act was superseded in 1890 by the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, which increased the government's monthly silver purchases by 50 percent. Fear that the U.S. was about to abandon the gold standard precipitated the Panic of 1893, causing the Sherman Act to be hastily repealed the same year.
II. Sherman2|ˈʃɜːmən|
The name of W. T. Sherman (1820–91), U.S. general, used attrib. and absol. to designate an American type of medium tank, much used during the war of 1939–45. Also General Sherman (tank).
1942Times 6 Nov. 6/3 (caption) A picture just received from America of General Sherman tanks.1942W. S. Churchill End of Beginning (1943) 229 This very powerful force.., including all the best tanks, the Grants and the Shermans, was withdrawn from the battle front.1944Sun (Baltimore) 15 Nov. 11/2 The Sherman tanks jumped off with orders to cross the river.1965A. J. P. Taylor Eng. Hist. 1914–45 xv. 554 To aid Auchinleck, the Americans diverted 300 Sherman tanks to Suez.1969Stubbs & Connor Armor-Cavalry i. 64 A much improved M3 medium was standardized in 1941 as the M4, better known throughout the war by its British designation, the General Sherman.1971E. Luttwak Dict. Mod. War 176/1 The Israeli army uses a large number of converted Shermans fitted with a new 105-mm gun.




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