

单词 shammatize
释义 ˈshammatize, v. Obs.
Also 7 samatize, schamatize.
[a. mod.L. samatizāre (1583 in Drusius Quæst. 1. 16), *schamatizāre, f. Jewish Aramaic sh'mattā excommunication, whence the denom. vb. shammēth to excommunicate.
According to Levy sh'mattā (:—*sh'madtā) is a derivative of {hebdaleth}{hebmem}‭שׁ, in causative conjugations to destroy, curse. Modern scholars believe the word to have been a general term for excommunication; the statement of Elias Levita that there were three degrees of excommunication, of which sh'mattā was the most severe, appears to be destitute of authority.]
trans. In mediæval Judaism: To excommunicate.
1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 113 If they did not amend, they were excommunicated with a greater curse, or Anathema: and if they persisted obstinate, they did Samatize them.1661Stillingfl. Irenicon i. viii. §5. 147 A most dreadful sentence of excommunication..whereby they do Schamatize, curse and devote the persons against whom it is pronounced.1684tr. Lightfoot's Horæ Hebr. Wks. II. 538 [They] anathematiz'd, shammatiz'd, excommunicated the Samaritans.




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