

单词 pretory
释义 ˈprætory, ˈpretory, n. (a.) Obs.
[ME. pretori, a. OF. pretorie, pretoire (mod.F. prétoire), ad. L. prætōrium prætorium; in II, ad. L. prætōrius one of prætorian rank.]
1. A prætorium, hall, or palace.
a1300Cursor M. 16302 Pilate him ras, and forth yode Vte o þe pretory.Ibid. 16093. 1382 Wyclif Acts xxiii. 35 He comaundide him for to be kept in the pretorie [gloss or moote halle], of Heroude.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 387 b/2 He sente secretely..for al the grete gramaryens and rethorycyens that they shold come hastelye to hys pretorye to alysaunder.1577Hanmer Anc. Eccl. Hist. (1663) 235 The which Law is ingraven in a stony pillar..in the publick pretory, nigh the Emperors martial picture.
2. The prætorian guard, or their quarters.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. pr. iv. 9 (Camb. MS.), I took stryf ayeins the prouost of the pretorie.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 71 Gordianus..was y-slawe of oon Phelip, prefecte of þe pretorie, nouȝt fer from Rome.1494Fabyan Chron. iv. lxv. 44 He was Presydente of the Pretory of Rome.1606G. W[oodcocke] Lives Emperors in Hist. Ivstine H h ij, For that merit hee was called to be a souldiour, where..he arose to be the Maister of the Praetory.
3. The prætor's court. rare.
1594R. Ashley tr. Loys le Roy 82 He ordained that there should be foure prefectures of the pretorie, or Courts of soueraigne authority.
4. A man of prætorian rank.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 165 Destroyede..senatoures, consuls, pretories, and edelynes, men of dignyte.
B. attrib. or adj. = prætorian a. In quot. transf. Of or pertaining to a judge. rare.
1549Latimer 4th Serm. bef. Edw. VI (Arb.) 110 Esay..speaking of the iudgementes done..in the commune place as it myghte be Westminster hall, the gylde hall, the Iudges hall, the pretory house.




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