

单词 seventeen
释义 seventeen, a. and n.
(ˌsɛv(ə)nˈtiːn, ˈsɛv(ə)ntiːn; see -teen)
Forms: see seven and -teen; also 3 sceoven-, 5 cevyn-; 3–5 -ten; 6 Sc. sewinteine, sewinttein.
[OE. seofontíene, -téne, -týne = OFris. sogen-, soven-, savntene (WFris. sauntsien), OS. sivontein, MDu. seventien (Du. zeven-), OHG. *sibunzehan (MHG. sibenzehen, G. siebzehn), ON. sjautján (Sw. sjutton, Da. sytten): see seven and -teen.]
The cardinal number next after sixteen, composed of ten and seven, represented by the symbols 17, XVII, xvii.
A. adj.
1. In concord with a n. expressed. Also, qualifying a higher numeral.
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iii. xxiv. (1899) 315 Wæs he Wulfhere Mercna cyning seafontyne winter.c1205Lay. 27200 Seouentene þusend selere cnihten.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 6487 Þe ȝer of grace a þousend & seuentene.a1300Cursor M. 9124 Þis roboam þat i of mene, Regned winters seuentene.c1330Arth. & Merl. 8895 A kniȝt of dede vertuous þat on hur gat kniȝtes seuentene.a1400–50Wars Alex. 2105 Saudiours him to sewe seuyntene thousand.1592Nashe P. Penilesse Wks. 1904 I. 225 Scotland, Denmarke, and some more pure partes of the seauenteene Prouinces.a1627Hayward Edw. VI (1630) 94 A proclamation vnder the hands of seuenteen persons.17..in Ritson's Gammer Gurton's Garl. (1783) 23 There was an old woman toss'd in a blanket, Seventeen times as high as the moon.1777(title) Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Seven; or, a picture of the manners and characters of the age.1814Scott in Lockhart (1837) III. iii. 132 A..dissenting clergyman, who has..brought up..sixteen or seventeen children..upon L.150 a-year.1879Morley Burke 161 A Lyons silk weaver, working..for over seventeen hours a day.a1890Liddon Life Pusey (1893) I. iv. 76 In all Germany the number of professors who then contended for the truth of the Gospel..was thought to be seventeen.
2. With various ellipses, esp. of years.
sweet seventeen is used typically for the most attractive period of a girl's life. the seventeen-eighties: the decade extending from 1780 to 1789.
c1290S. Eng. Leg. 264/107 Ȝeot heo leouede twenti ȝer after þe seuentene bi-fore Þat heo ne et no mannische mete bote weodes and wilde more.1375Barbour Bruce xiii. 645 Scho set hym in so hard assay, That he with sevintene in a bat Wes fayne for to hald hame his gat!c1386[see seven A. 1 d].a1568R. Ascham Scholem. (1904) 205 From seuentene to seuen and twentie (the most dangerous tyme of all a mans life).1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacræ iii. iv. §9 That the posterity of Noah might beget children at seventeen.1712Steele Spect. No. 266 ⁋2 A slim young girl about Seventeen.1767H. Walpole in Jesse Selwyn & Contemp. (1843) II. 190 The lottery tickets which I have bought for you at twelve pounds seventeen and sixpence apiece.1855Tennyson Brook 113 Claspt hands and that petitionary grace Of sweet seventeen subdued me ere she spoke.1878H. S. Leigh Town Garland 29 The gushing heart of seventeen.1896E. V. Lucas Willow & Leather (1898) 32 The Hambledon Club's ground was changed..somewhere in the seventeen-eighties.
3. = seventeenth. Obs.
c1400Destr. Troy 6369 Polidarius, the porknell, and his pere Machaon, Suet with the xvij, sad men & noble.1551Recorde Pathw. Knowl. i. xxviii, As the seuentene conclusion doth teache.1580in Cath. Tractates (S.T.S.) 68 As hie declaris in the sewinttein buik of the Citie of God.
4. Comb. (chiefly parasynthetic), as seventeen-branched adj.; seventeen-day, seventeen-foot, seventeen-mark, seventeen-mile, attrib. phr.; seventeen-hander, a horse of 17 hands; seventeen-hunder linen (Sc.), linen in the weaving of which 1700 threads go to the warp; seventeen-year cicada = seventeen year(s') locust; seventeen-year(s') locust, Cicada septemdecim (see quot. 1882).
1861H. Hagen Synopsis Neuroptera N. Amer. 207 Sector 1 *seventeen-branched.
1890Billings Nat. Med. Dict., *Seventeen-day fever, relapsing fever.
1900Kipling in Daily Express 29 June 4/5 The *seventeen-foot Union Jack.
1886M. E. Braddon One Thing Needful xxii, The horses were her own particular *Seventeenhanders, grand, upstanding bays.
1790Burns Tam o' Shanter 154 Snaw-white *seventeen hunder linnen!1861Two Cosmos I. 228 Sheets o' seventeen hunder linen.
1824G. Chalmers Caledonia III. iv. 438 Gilbert Macdoual..who held the *seventeen-mark lands.
1897Outing XXX. 357/1 Regular watches were once more set upon the boats as they entered the upper or *seventeen-mile level.
1870Amer. Naturalist III. 106 The eggs and young of the *seventeen-year Cicada.1950Chicago Daily News 13 Jan. 42 The periodic or 17-year cicada lives the longest of any known insect.
1817Columbian Centinel (Boston) 14 May 1/4 The southern papers have announced that the present is the year for the appearance of what is called..the *Seventeen Years Locust... The insect lives above ground about two months, and 17 years in it.1843H. D. Thoreau Let. 7 July (1958) 121 Have you seen the Seventeen year locust in Concord?1882Cassell's Nat. Hist. VI. 112 One North American species is called the Seventeen-years' Locust (Cicada septendecim) because it is said to appear only at intervals of seventeen years in any given locality.1975Islander (Victoria, B.C.) 3 Aug. 3/1 The juice-sucking 17-year locusts—which are really cicadas—were also around.
B. n. The abstract number seventeen; the symbol representing this.
1594Nashe Unfort. Trav. Wks. 1905 II. 211, I vp with a long circumstance, alias, a cunning shift of the seuenteenes.1596Harington Apol. Ajax Aa 2, Lyke a trycke of seuenteene in a sinkapace.




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