

单词 celure
释义 ˈcelure Obs.
Forms: 4 celure, selure, cylour, 4–5 sylure, 5 celour, -ar, seler, selowyr, silour, sylour, syllure, sillour, siller, 5–6 selour, 6 celler, cellar, seller, ceiler.
[The derivation presents many points of obscurity, some of which are touched on under the related ceil v., while others attach to the history of this particular derivative. Celure presuppposes an OF. or AF. *celeüre, *celure, answering to L. cæ-, cēlātūra; celour, if a genuine form, might answer to an OF. *celeoir, *celoir = L. cēlātōrium; both these L. forms occur in med.L., chiefly in sense ‘canopy’, and both are in ME. Vocabularies glossed by celure; but of the required OF. words no examples have yet been found. The L. words were of course derivatives of cælāre or cēlāre: see ceil.]
A canopy covering a bed, dais, altar, etc., or carried above the Host during a procession. Also the hangings of a bed, the tapestry of a wall, a screen of drapery. rood celure: a canopy over the rood.
c1340Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 76 Guenore..Dressed on þe dere des..a selure hir ouer.1418E.E. Wills 36 A bed of Lyn wit a hool silour and Couerlet..also a bed of red and grene dimi Selour.a1440Sir Degrev. 1474 Hur bede was off aszure With testur and celure.c1440Promp. Parv. 456 Sylure, of valle [v.r. of a walle] or a nother thynge, celatura, celamen.c1450Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 571 Celatorium, a celour or a coverlet.c1450Bk. Curtasye 445 in Babees Bk. (1868) 313 Two beddys..Þat henget shalle be with hole sylour.c1475Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 776 Hoc supralectum, a selowyr.1483Cath. Angl. 340 A Sylour, anabatrum [‘anabatrum, cortina’ (curtain) Gloss. in Du Cange, ed. 1883].1494Will of Sclatter (Somerset Ho.), Two celars of ooke oon of them to be sette ouer the aulter.c1494Art. Hen. VII in Househ. Ord. (1790) 126 The font to bee hanged with a riche siller over.1520Lanc. Wills I. 38, I bequethe unto the roode seller off Manchester xls.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. clvii. [cliii.] 434 The lytter had a celler of a thynne fyne clothe of sylke.1527Ibid. I. 33 My body to be buryed in the Churche off Croston under the rode celler afore the chancel.1530Palsgr. 203/2 Cellar for a bedde, ciel de lit.1553Lanc. Wills I. 105 One seller & tester of reede and greene seye wth curtens of the same.
? = ceiling 4, 5.
c1394P. Pl. Crede 201 As a greet chirche..wiþ semlich selure y-set on lofte.c1400Mandeville xxii. 239 Of gold & Sylver..he maketh cylours, Pyleres, & Paumentes, in his Palays.
Hence ˈcelured ppl. a., canopied; overarched. ˈceluring, (sillering) = celure 1.
c1430Lydg. Compl. Bl. Knt. viii, Celured eke alofte With bowys grene.1558Wills & Inv. N.C. (1835) I. 184 Another pressoure with a portall and y⊇ sillering in the parler.




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