

单词 castration
释义 castration|kæˈstreɪʃən|
[a. F. castration, or ad. L. castrātiōn-em, n. of action f. castrāre to castrate.]
The action of castrating, in various senses.
1. a. The removing of the testicles; gelding.
c1420Pallad. on Husb. vi. 92 Now..is goode castracion Of litel boles.1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 37. 1714 Mandeville Fab. Bees (1733) II. 102 That castration preserves and strengthens the voice.1875Blake Zool. 30 Castration produces diminution in size of the horns.
b. castration-complex Psychoanalysis, a group of repressed ideas based on a feared potential loss of the genitals in childhood, and resulting in anxiety.
1914tr. Freud's Psychopath. Everyday Life ix. 223 A ‘castration-complex’—namely, a childhood fear, often continued in a disguised form into adult life.1922J. Riviere tr. Freud's Introd. Lect. Psycho-anal. xiii. 175 The castration complex, the reaction to that intimidation in the field of sex or to that restraint of early infantile sexual activity which is ascribed to the father.1929P. Mairet Adler's Problems of Neurosis v. 67 The Freudians have interpreted this fact as the so-called ‘castration complex’, because girls frequently have the fantasy that the male organs have been surgically removed from them.1962T. Kaye David, from where he was Lying xvii. 147 No doubt, I've suffered from a castration complex like everyone else.
2. The act of taking away a portion of the honey from the hive. Obs. [Cf. L. castrāre alveāria (Palladius); Fr. châtrer une ruche.]
c1420Pallad. on Husb. xi. 267 Castracion the been have efte this moone.1623Butler Fem. Mon. x. (1623) V j, Exsection or castration..is the cutting out of part of the Combes, part being left for the Bees prouision.
3. Mutilation, ‘cutting down’. Obs.
1728Morgan Algiers I. List Subscribers, Near 100..have desired to be excused, and accordingly they are erased... I almost repent my consenting to so great a Castration.
4. The removal of objectionable parts from a literary work; expurgation. Also concr.
1791–1824D'Israeli Cur. Lit. (1859) II. 448 A partial suppression, or castration of passages..fatal to the cause of truth.1806in Holinshed's Scot. Chron. I. 7 In this second edition, several sheets..were castrated for containing some passages disagreeable to Queen Elizabeth..but the castrations have since been printed apart.




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