

单词 Septentrion
释义 Septentrion, n. and a. Obs. exc. arch.|sɛpˈtɛntrɪən|
Also 4–5 septem(p)trio(u)n, 4–6 -tryon.
[ad. L. septentrio, sing. of septentriōnēs, orig. septem triōnēs, the seven stars of the constellation of the Great Bear, f. septem seven + triōnes, pl. of trio plough-ox. Cf. F. septentrion.]
A. n.
1. pl. (chiefly as Latin.) The constellation of the Great Bear, occas. the Little Bear.
1532Chaucer's Boethius ii. met. vi. Wks. fol. ccxlvi/2 This Nero gouerned by ceptre al the peoples that be vnder the colde sterris that highten the Septentrions [MSS. vii. tyryones, the seuene triones].1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 22 Ye seuen starres called Septentriones (being not farre from Vrsa maior called charles wayne).1601Holland Pliny ii. xxv. I. 16 That region of the skie which is under the North starre Septentriones.1654Gayton Pleas. Notes iv. xxv. 286 What influence the septentriones had upon him..is to be easily guess'd.1715tr. Gregory's Astron. (1726) I. 217 The Stars call'd the Septem Triones.1859Ld. Lytton Wanderer 21 Wild Desire; Which, hungering for the sources of the suns, Makes moan beyond the blue Septentrions.
2. The north; the northern region(s) of the earth or the heavens.
c1386Chaucer Monk's T. 3657 He..This wyde world hadde in subieccioun Bothe Est and West North and Septemtrioun.c1400Mandeville (1839) x. 117 In the Hed of that See of Galilee, toward the Septemtryon, is a strong Castelle.c1440Pallad. on Husb. i. 298 But from the cold Septemtrion decline, And from northwest ther chilling sonnys shine.1503Kalender of Sheph. (Sommer) H viij b, Drawyng towart the septentryon and other tymys towart the myd day.c15111st Eng. Bk. Amer. (Arb.) Introd. 32/2 That other parte of Indien is aboute Septentryon.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, i. iv. 136 Thou art as opposite to euery good, As the Antipodes are vnto vs, Or as the South to the Septentrion.1652J. Wright tr. Camus' Nat. Paradox xii. 368 The Polonians have two powerfull..neighbours, the Moscovianns towards the Septentrion and the Turk in the Orientall part.
3. A northerner. rare.
1607Topsell Four-f. Beasts 42 There is a constellation called the beare in the figure of seauen Starres like a Carte... The Septentrions call them Triones, that is yoked Oxen.1854Lowell Jrnl. Italy Wks. 1890 I. 175 We graver-tempered and -mannered Septentrions.
B. adj. Northern; = next.
1632Lithgow Trav. vii. 318 The Sunne declining North⁓ward.., and warming..the Septentrion sides of these Cynthian mountaynes.1671Milton P.R. iv. 31 A ridge of hills That screen'd the fruits of the earth and seats of men From cold Septentrion blasts.1814Cary Dante, Purg. xxxii. 98 And in their hands upheld those lights secure From blast septentrion and the gusty south.a1849H. Coleridge Poems (1850) II. 251 Their countless hosts Sped from their chill septentrion nursery.




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