

单词 carthamus
释义 carthamus|ˈkɑːθəməs|
Also 7 cartamus, 8 carthame.
[mod.L. carthamus (in F. carthame), ad. Arab. qarṭum, qirṭim, in same sense.]
A small genus of annual composite plants; esp. C. tinctorius (Safflower or Bastard Saffron), cultivated from southern Europe to China, the flowers of which yield red and yellow dyes. b. The florets used in the mass as a dye, and as a drug.
1548Turner Names of Herbes, Cnecus..is called..in englishe Bastarde saffron or mocke-saffron..The Poticaries call thys herbe carthamus.1662Fuller Worthies i. 317 No precious drug is more adulterated [than Saffron] with Cartamus.1750Beawes Lex Mercat. 806 Commodities of the Country's [Java's] Growth..Carthame (or Bastard Saffron).1814Sir H. Davy Agric. Chem. 146 The Carthamus contains a red and a yellow colouring matter..from the red, rouge is prepared.
Hence carˈthamic a., as in carthamic acid, the same as ˈcarthamin, the red colouring matter of safflower, C14H16O7.
1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 405 Carthamin. This..Dobereiner considers as an acid, to which he has given the name of carthamic acid.1863–72Watts Dict. Chem. I. 808 The carthamin is precipitated in red flocks.




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