

单词 carrow
释义 ˈcarrow Obs.
[Ir. cerrbach (mod. spelling cearrbhach) gambler. See O'Donovan's Tribes and Customs of Hy Many, 104, 122, where other Anglo-Irish spellings are given.]
(See quots.)
1577–87Holinshed Chron. I. 45/1 A brotherhood of karrowes, that proffer to plaie at cards all the yeare long.1596Spenser State Irel. Wks. (1862) 527/1 There is another..much more lewd and dishonest, and that is, of their Carrows, which is a kinde of people that wander up and downe to Gentle-mens houses, living onely upon cardes and dice.1829Scott Antiq. Introd. 8 In the character of the Irish itinerant gambler, called in that country a carrow.




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