

单词 cardinal-flower
释义 cardinal-flower
[From its scarlet colour, like that of a cardinal's robe or hat. (In F. cardinale rouge; also cardinale bleue.)]
The Scarlet Lobelia (L. cardinalis), a native of North America, cultivated for the splendour of its blossoms. b. blue cardinal-flower: (rare) for L. syphilitica.
1698Petiver in Phil. Trans. XX. 405 American Scarlet Cardinal-Flower.1767J. Abercrombie Ev. Man his own Gard. (1803) 233 Perennials and biennials of the fibrous rooted tribe..crimson cardinal flower.1831J. Davies Manual Mat. Med. 241 Blue Lobelia, or Blue Cardinal Flower. Lobelia syphilitica.1868B. J. Lossing Hudson 9 The splendid Cardinal flower..glowing like a flame.




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