

单词 cabotage
释义 cabotage Naut.|ˈkæbətɪdʒ|
[a. F. cabotage (also Sp., in It. cabotaggio) in same sense; f. F. caboter to coast; whence F. has also caboteur, cabotier, cabotin, cabotinage, cabotiner. Derivation uncertain.
Originally a shipping term of the north of France: M. Paul Meyer rejects Littré's guess from Sp. cabo cape, headland, as if ‘to sail from cape to cape’, as untenable phonetically and historically, and thinks the verb must be from the name of a kind of boat. The gloss ‘cabo, trabe, nave’ occurs in (MS. Bibl. Nat. 1646 lf. 83 b) a 13th c. copy of an older glossary; and Littré has cabot, chabot as north French equivalents of sabot, which is still applied to a small vessel running two or three knots an hour. (Brachet guesses that caboter may be from the surname Cabot; which may have had the same origin, but cf. prec.)]
1. Coasting; coast-pilotage; the coast carrying trade by sea.
1831Sir J. Sinclair Corr. II. 186 The Cabotage, as they call it, or carrying trade.1876R. Burton Gorilla L. I. 6 Small vessels belonging to foreigners, and employed in cabotage.1885Standard 2 Jan. (Article) The Cabotage in China. [From Shanghai correspondent.]
2. Aeronaut. (The reservation to a country of) the air-traffic within its territory. Also attrib.
1933Aeroplane 24 May 962/1 As far as the progress of international air transport is concerned cabotage is about the finest form of ‘sabotage’.1958Sunday Times 15 June 3/5 India..though possessed of an enormous area protected by cabotage, has neither the resources to exploit this potential nor a population rich enough to indulge in mass air transport.Ibid. Members of the Commonwealth do not form a cabotage unit.1960Times 11 Feb. 9/4 B.O.A.C.'s possession of end-to-end cabotage rights on these routes.




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