

单词 buttery
释义 I. buttery, n.|ˈbʌtərɪ|
Forms: 4 boteri, 5 boterie, botrie, botre, butry, 5–6 botry(e, 5–7 botery, 6 bottrye, buttrie, buttre, buttrye, 6–7 butterie, 6–8 buttry, 7 bottery, boutery, but(t)ery(e, buterie, buttrey, 6– buttery.
[app. a. OF. boterie = bouteillerie (Godef.):—late L. botāria, f. bota, var. of butta cask, bottle; see butt n.5 The transition from the sense of ‘store-room for liquor’ to that of ‘store-room for provisions generally’ is in accordance with analogy, but may have been helped by association with butter n.1]
1. A place for storing liquor; but the name was also, from an early period, extended to ‘the room where provisions are laid up’ (J.).
1389in Eng. Gilds (1870) 98 Whoso entre into ye boteri yer ye ale lytz.1411E.E. Wills (1882) 18 Botrie.a1440Ipomydon 316 And to the botery he went anon..He toke the cuppe of the botelere.c1440Promp. Parv. 45 Boterye, celarium, boteria, pincernaculum.1484Marg. Paston in Lett. 881 III. 314 Some man..to kepe your botry, for the mane that ye lefte..seyth he hath not usyd to geve a rekenyng nothyr of bred nor alle tyll at the wekys end.1530Palsgr. 200/1 Bottrye, despence.1570Levins Manip. 103 A Butterie, promptuarium.1586J. Hooker Girald. Irel. in Holinshed II. 138/1 His cellar doore was neuer shut, and his butterie alwaies open, to all commers of anie credit.1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. i. i. 102 Take them to the Butterie, And giue them friendly welcome euerie one.1608R. Armin Nest Ninn. 8 [He] giues them each one a hand, and so takes them into the buttry to drinke.1665Pepys Diary (1879) III. 212 Then down to the buttery, and eat a piece of cold venison pie.1755Smollett tr. Quix. (1803) I. 158 For in their bags they had lost their whole buttery and provision.1832Scott Woodst. 180 When the pantry has no bread and the buttery no ale.1875Stubbs Const. Hist. III. xxi. 531 Regular officers of the buttery, the kitchen..and the like.
b. In the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge: The place where ale and bread, butter, etc., are kept. (The ‘residence’ of members of the college is recorded by the appearance of their names in the buttery-books.)
1684Lond. Gaz. No. 1910. 4 Whoever gives notice of him either at the Buttery of Christchurch to the Butler, etc.1688Swift Wks. (1841) II. 56 But [the College Steward is] always sworn brother in iniquity to the clerks of the buttery.1710Palmer Proverbs 210 To converse in the world requir'd somewhat more than to have heard a little talk about Aristotle and Cartes, or to have ones name in the butteries.1850Kingsley Alt. Locke xii. (1876) 141 I'll send you in a luncheon as I go through the butteries.1869Rogers in Adam Smith's W.N. I. Pref. 7 During this time he drew his commons from the college buttery.
c. the spirit of the buttery: a 16th c. phrase for ‘the spirit of wine’.
1530Palsgr. 591, I wene he be inspyred with the spyrites of the buttery.1547Boorde Breu. Health clxxxiii. 64 b, I shulde haue sayde afrayd of the spirite of the buttry, whiche be perylous beastes, for such spirites doth trouble a man so sore that he can not dyuers times stande vpon his legges.1592G. Harvey Pierces Super. 15 His frisking penne began to play the sprite of the buttry.
2. Comb., as buttery-door; buttery-bar, a board or ledge on the top of the buttery-hatch, on which to rest tankards, etc.; buttery-book (at the Universities), the book in which are entered the names of the members of a college, and the account of their commons; buttery-hatch, the half-door over which the buttery provisions are served; buttery-worn a. nonce-wd. (see quot.).
1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 933/2 The maior of Oxford kept the *buttrie bar.1601Shakes. Twel. N. i. iii. 74, I pray you bring your hand to'th Buttry barre, and let it drinke.1820Scott Abbot xviii, ‘Mend your draught’..‘I know the way to the buttery-bar.’
a1672Wood Life (1848) 34 Munday he was entred into the *buttery-book..by Mr. Edw. Copley, fellow of that house.1709Steele Tatler No. 19 ⁋2 There are of the Middle-Temple, including all in the Buttery Books, and in the Lists of the House, 5000.1726Amherst Terræ Fil. xxxix. 214 The Master of the college sent his servitor to the buttery-book to sconce him five shillings.1832Carlyle Misc. (1857) III. 73 Weekly accounts in the buttery-books.
1562Heywood Prov. & Epigr. (1867) 99 Thy *buttry doore I here not creake.1857Hughes Tom Brown i. vi, Bill pounced on the big table, and began to rattle it away to its place outside the buttery-door.
1614T. Adams Divell's Banq. 207 Hee will turne out of his cast Seruitours..from the *Buttry-hatch to the Pulpit.1845Disraeli Sybil (1863) 37 A hall..with the dais, the screen, the gallery, and the buttery-hatch all perfect.
1885Macm. Mag. Nov. 28/1 Old scouts..battered *buttery-worn bodies.
II. buttery, a.|ˈbʌtərɪ|
[f. butter n.1 + -y1.]
1. Of the nature of butter; containing butter.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xix. lxv. (1495) 433 Cowe mylke is..less sharpe, & more buttry.1586Cogan Haven Health cxciv. (1636) 178 Because it is buttery, it..is good against pricking paynes of the Lungs.1615Crooke Body of Man 418 His fatty and buttery part is hotter then the whole body of the milke.1859Todd Cycl. Anat. & Phys. V. 392/2 To increase the buttery constituent.
2. Resembling butter in consistence.
1719London & Wise Compl. Gard. 61 Its Pulp tender, but not buttery.1802Forsyth Fruit Trees vii. (1824) 170 The flesh melting, delicate, and very buttery.1847Clarke in Jrnl. Roy. Agric. Soc. VIII. i. 91 The same buttery clay may be found above a stratum of moor.c1865Letheby in Circ. Sc. I. 95/1 The oil has a buttery consistence.
b. fig. Soft.
1868F. Paget Lucretia 281 His buttery heart.
3. Smeared with butter.
1796H. Glasse Cookery iii. 19 Rub it over with a buttery cloth.
4. fig. Given to fulsome flattery (cf. the n.).
1842Tait's Mag. IX. 725 With the Germans and Italians she is charitable, liberal, indulgent, honeyed; nay, with very particular noble favourites, buttery.
5. Comb., as buttery-fingered = butter-fingered.
1852Reade Peg Woff. i. (1868) 23 All the ladies and gentlemen..whom the buttery-fingered author could not keep in hand until the fall of the curtain.
6. ˈbuttery ˈBenjie. In the Scottish Universities a humorous synonym for bejan.
1854Blackw. Mag. LXXVI. 433.




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