

单词 brustle
释义 I. ˈbrustle, v.1 Obs.
Also 7 brussel.
[Early ME. brustlien, parallel to bræstlien: see brastle. Probably onomatopœic: expressing a duller or more muffled sound than brastle. Cf. rustle, bustle.]
1. intr. To make a crackling or rustling noise.
c1205Lay. 20143 Breken braden speren, Brustleden sceldes.Ibid. 20080 Brustlede scæftes.1393Gower Conf. II. 93 He..brustleth as a monkes froise, Whan it is throwe into the panne.1755Johnson, Brustle, to crackle, to make a small noise. (Skinner.)
b. Of the noise of waves.
1622Fletcher Sp. Curate iv. vii, See where the sea comes, how it foams and brussels.
2. To go hastily with a rustling noise. Cf. bustle.
1638H. Rider Horace's Odes i. (1644) 21 The..green-skind adder brustled through a bush.
II. ˈbrustle, v.2 Obs.
Also 7 brusle, 8 burstle.
[app. a variant of bristle v., perh. influenced in sense 3 by the prec., or by rustle.]
1. intr. To bristle as hair. See bristle.
2. To bristle up as an excited beast, raise the mane.
1656Cowley David. i. (1669) 17 A Lyon..brustles up preparing for his feast.
3. esp. Of birds: To raise the feathers; hence fig. with reference to the turkeycock or peacock: To show off, vapour, bluster.
1648Herrick Hesper. (1859) 122 Can Yee see it brusle like a swan?1655–60Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 99/2 Shewing him the Cocks of Midas brustling against those of Callias.1657G. Starkey Helmont's Vind. 64 He vapours and brustles like Dametas in his military accoutrements.1659Gauden Tears Ch. 370 Like the Birds called Ruffs, ever brusling and pecking against each other.1720Stow's Surv. (ed. Strype 1754) II. v. xxviii. 486/1 A mercer in Cheapside; who had been often burstling..about this ceremony.1721–1800Bailey, Brustle..to vapour.




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