

单词 punye
释义 I. ˈpunye, punȝe, n. Sc. Obs.
Also 4 poiné, punay.
[a. F. poignée, in OF. also puinnie, pugnie, puignie, -nee, puygnye, etc. handful: = Pr. ponhada:—L. type *pugnāta, f. L. pugnus, F. poing fist: see poigne and -ade.]
A handful of men (soldiers).
c1330Arth. & Merl. 3241 Þe kinges..seyd, gret schame hem was bifalle, Þat Arthour wiþ a litel punay Hadde ydriuen hem oway.Ibid. 5905 Michel wonder had Leodegan, Þat swiche a litel poine of man So fele in so litel þrawe So manliche had yslawe.1513Douglas æneis ix. viii. 129 Thai mycht on fors dissevyr that punȝe, Quhilk thaime assalȝeit thekyt with pavys hie.
II. punye, punȝe, -zie, v. Sc.|ˈpʏnje|
[ad. F. poign-, pres. stem of poindre to pierce: see poin v., punge, and for the form cf. Sc. cunȝe, cunȝie, coin.]
trans. To prick, pierce; to spur.
c1470Henry Wallace v. 606 The prent off luff him punȝeit at the last.Ibid. vii. 1198 The punȝeand hed the plattis persyt rycht.1819W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd (1827) 164 His steed he punzied wi' his heel.
Hence ˈpunzie n. Sc., a prick, a stab.
1819W. Tennant Papistry Storm'd 175 Strange! that ae punzie on the back Should sooner bring that carl to wrack.




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