

单词 saughtel
释义 saughtel, v. Obs.
Forms: 2 sæhtle, 2–3 sahtle, 3 sawghtle, Ormin sahhtlenn, 4 saȝttel, sa(u)ghtle, -til, sauhtill, (saxtel), 4–5 saȝtle, sauȝt(e)le, saghtel, 5 saȝtill, saghtill, sahtil, saghetylle, sauȝthle, saughtel, -tille.
[In 12th c. sahtlian, sæhtlian, f. sæht, *saht: see saught a.]
1. intr. To come to agreement, become reconciled.
1154O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1140, Sithen þer efter sahtleden þe king & Randolf eorl at Stanford.1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 1470 Now lofe we, now hate, now saghtel, now strife.c1375Cursor M. 3580 (Fairf.) [When a man is old] þen ys ethe to make him wraþ & for tille saxtel sumdel laþ.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. x. 183 It is no science for sothe forto sotyle [v.r. sauȝtele] Inne.a1400Morte Arth. 330, I salle hym surelye ensure, þat saghetylle salle we never.a1400–50Alexander 865 Sire, latt þi wreth a-wai wende & with þi wyfe saȝtill.a1440Sir Degrev. 1757, I rede ye sauȝthle with the knyȝt.
b. To become calm or quiet.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 445 As þat lyftande lome [sc. the ark] luged aboute,..Hit saȝtled on a softe day synkande to grounde.Ibid. C. 232 He [Jonah] was no tytter out-tulde þat tempest ne sessed, Þe se saȝtled þer-with, as sone as ho moȝt.Ibid. C. 529 For-þy when pouerte me enprecez & paynez in-noȝe, Ful softly with suffraunce saȝttel me bihouez.
2. trans. To reconcile (persons). Also refl.
a1122O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 1066, Þa eodon gode men heom betwenen & sahtloden heom.Ibid. an. 1070, Þa tweᵹen kyngas Willelm & Swæᵹn wurðon sæhtlod.c1200Ormin 6024 He riseþþ upp & sahhtleþþ himm Wiþþ Godd þurrh rihht dædbote.a1300Cursor M. 28565 Quen man think to traueil lath, to saghtil men þat er wrath.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1139 For when a sawele is saȝtled & sakred to dryȝtyn, He holly haldes hit his.c1400Ywaine & Gaw. 3917 Thou sal do thi power,..To saghtel the Knyght with the liown And his lady of grete renowne.
Hence ˈsaughteling vbl. n.
a1300Cursor M. 964 Tell me..Howgat and wit quat⁓kinthing I sal couer þi saghteling.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 3256 For þat saughtlyng [of the brothers] was mykel blisse.c1400Ywaine & Gaw. 3680 Than asked the king Wha had so sone made saghteling Bitwix tham thai had bene so wrath.c1420Anturs of Arth. 661 (Douce MS.) Withe outene more lettynge, Diȝte was here saȝtlynge.




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