

单词 blain
释义 I. blain|bleɪn|
Forms: 1 bleȝen, 3 blein(e, 3–5 bleyn(e, 3–8 blane, 5–6 blayn(e, 6–7 blaine, 6– blain.
[OE. bleᵹen str. fem., = MDu. bleine, Du. blein, LG. bleien, Da. blegn; OTeut. form possibly *bleganâ-: cf. OHG. blehin-ougi ‘lippus.’]
1. An inflammatory swelling or sore on the surface of the body, often accompanied by ulceration; a blister, botch, pustule; applied also to the eruptions in some pestilential diseases. Cf. chilblain.
c1000Sax. Leechd. I. 380 Wið þa bleᵹene ᵹenim niᵹon æᵹra and seoð hiᵹ fæste.a1225St. Marher. 18 Barst on to bleinen þæt hit aras up oueral.c1250Gen. & Ex. 3027 Blein on erue and man.1382Wyclif Job ii. 7 He smot Iob with the werste stinkende bleyne [1388 wickid botche, Coverd. sore byles].c1440Bone Flor. 2024 The fowlest mesell bredd Of pokkys and bleynes bloo.1529More Comfort agst. Tribulat. iii. Wks. 1224/1 Yf his fynger dooe but ake of an hoate blaine.1544R. Ascham Toxoph. (Arb.) 49 A litle blayne..in his finger, may kepe him.1583Stubbes Anat. Abus. (1877) 96 It bringeth ulcerations, scab, scurf, blain.1612Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653) 332 The third manifest and demonstrative sign of [the Plague]..is the Pestilential Blain.1667Milton P.L. xii. 180 Botches and blaines must all his flesh imboss.1850Layard Nineveh vii. 154 Children..covered with discoloured blains.
fig.1866Lond. Rev. 10 Mar. 276/1 Some moral blain has suddenly broken out on..a fair character.
2. ‘A distemper incident to beasts, consisting in a bladder growing on the root of the tongue against the wind-pipe, which at length swelling, stops the breath’ (Chambers Cycl. 1727–51).
Jamieson's sense ‘A mark left by a wound,’ is apparently erroneous.
3. Comb. blain-grass, ? clover; blain-worm, some parasitic insect; also fig.
1570Levins Manip. 35 Blaynegrasse, trifolium.1657Brome Queen v. viii. 123 Are you so tart, Court Blain-worm?1658Rowland Mouffet's Theat. Ins. 1000 In English it [the Buprestis] is called a Blainworm, or Troings.a1722Lisle Husb. (1752) 342 If the blain-worm be broken in the mouth of the cow..he knows no cure for it.
II. blain, v.
[f. prec.]
trans. To affect with blains; to blister. Hence blained ppl. a., ˈblaining vbl. n.
[c1000Sax. Leechd. II. 4 Wiþ ᵹebleᵹnadre tungan.]1394P. Pl. Crede 299 Nou han þei bucled schon for bleynynge of her heles.1830Galt in Fraser's Mag. I. 269 The recoiling boughs had..sorely blained..his cheeks.




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