

单词 Russia
释义 Russia|ˈrʌʃə|
[med.L., f. Russi the Russians: see Russ. The Russian form Rossiya appears to have been adopted from Byzantine Gr. Ῥωσία.]
The name of the country in the east of Europe, used attributively.
1. a. Russia leather, a very durable leather made of skins impregnated with oil distilled from birch-bark, extensively used in bookbinding.
1658Sir T. Browne Gard. Cyrus iii. 147 The like Reticulate grain is observable in some Russia Leather.1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 76 Their boots..are made of Russia leather, or Goats skin.1716Hearne Collect. (O.H.S.) V. 365 He hath bound it in Russia Leather.1740Woodroofe in Hanway Trav. (1762) I. ii. xvii. 74 Casan..has several manufactures of red russia leather.1852C. Morfit Tanning & Currying (1853) 372 Russia leather consists of calf, sheep, and goat skins, dyed generally of a red color.1871M. Collins Marq. & Merch. II. viii. 227 Russia leather odorous with the aroma of silver birch-rind.
attrib.1656in Willis & Clark Cambridge (1886) III. 383 For 2 dozen of Russ. Leather chayres at 7s. 6d.1676Ibid., 18 Russia leather Chayres for the Parlor.1704Lond. Gaz. No. 4027/4 With a new Russia Leather Saddle and Bridle.
b. ellipt. in this sense.
1818Art Bk.-binding 45 Mark the paper into squares from point to point each way, and then lay it exactly on the russia.1862Burton Bk. Hunter i. 27 No one likes sheep's clothing for his literature, even if he should not aspire to russia or morocco.1876Geo. Eliot Dan. Der. xxxvi, The scent of russia from the books.
attrib. and Comb.1817Dibdin Bibliogr. Decam. II. 510 Specimens of his own russia-bindings.1818Art Bk.-binding 45 When the lacing is complete, put a piece of paper on the russia bands.1846G. Dodd Brit. Manuf. VI. 103 An elegant morocco or russia-bound book.
2. a. In the specific names of various articles, chiefly made in, or imported from, Russia, as Russia ashes, Russia braid, Russia crash, Russia drab, Russia duck, etc. (see quots.).
1819Pantologia, *Russia ashes, the impure potash, as imported from Russia.
1847Lady's Newspaper 11 Dec. 566 Gentleman's waist⁓coat. Material—blue..cloth, and green or amber *Russia braid.1873Young Englishwoman Nov. 572/1 Travelling toilet of brown cashmere, braided with brown of a darker-shade in Russia and Breton braid.1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlewk. 429/1 Russia Braids. These are made respectively in two materials—Mohair and Silk.
Ibid., *Russia Crash, a coarse linen, or hempen textile, derived from Russia, or made of Russian hemp.
1780J. Howard Prisons 299 The men have a *Russia-drab coat and breeches.
1761Essex Inst. Hist. Coll. (1912) XLVIII. 95 Best prime *Russia Duck.1822M. Edgeworth Let. 6 Feb. (1971) 344 His Russia duck jacket and trowzers.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Russia-duck, a white linen fine canvas.1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlewk. 429/2 Russia Duck, this is a description of strong coarse linen Jean, made for trouserings, and having its origin in Russia.
1663Pepys Diary 6 June, To see the orders about the *Russia hemp that is to be fetched from Archangel.
1897Sears, Roebuck Catal. 127 We make it [sc. a stove] lined and unlined, and in smooth steel and planished iron (usually called *Russia iron).1901Daily Colonist (Victoria, B.C.) 12 Oct. 8/7 (Advt.), ‘Famous’ Air-Tights [sc. stoves]. Built for light service. Will burn rough blocks of wood. Made of Russia iron.
1839J. J. Audubon Ornithol. Biogr. V. 504 The nest..has uniformly been built of *Russia matting.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2005/2 Russia-matting, matting manufactured in Russia from the inner bark of the linden.
1882Caulfeild & Saward Dict. Needlewk. 429/2 *Russia Musquash (Fiber zibethicus), this animal is also known as the Perewiaska.
1773*Russia oil [see Russian B. 2 c].
1764Phil. Trans. LIV. 5 The uppermost fillets..were woven something after the manner of *Russia-sheeting.
1859Rep. Comm. Patents 1858 (U.S.) I. 530 The process of manufacturing sheet-iron, to possess most of the qualifications of ‘polished *Russia sheet-iron’.1875Knight Dict. Mech. 2005/2 Russia Sheet-iron, sheet-iron made in Russia, and having a smooth, glossy surface of a purplish color, sometimes mottled.
b. ellipt. for Russia iron, linen.
1798Monthly Mag. June 481 Irish linens are becoming exceedingly scarce... Russias are also very scarce at present.1884Knight Dict. Mech. Suppl. 772/2 s.v. Russian Iron, The American product, or ‘imitation Russia’.




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