

单词 runnet
释义 I. ˈrunnet1 Now dial.
Also 5–6 runnett, 9 urnet, Sc. ronnet.
[var. of rennet n.1, with the vowel of run v.]
1. = rennet n.1 1. ? Obs.
1471Ripley Comp. Alch. ii. ix. in Ashm. (1652) 137 So doth our Runnett by kynde curd our Mylke.1563T. Hill Art Garden. (1593) 80 The mints put into milke, will not suffer the milke to curd, although the runnet bee put into it.1600Surflet Countrie Farme i. xiv. 91 The way to curdle it [milk], is to mingle therewith of the runnet, of a lambe, kidde, or hare.1686Plot Staffordsh. 388 The Runnet of Ranton..made of the innermost membran of a Calves Stomack or Mawe.1741Comp. Fam.-Piece i. ii. 124 Cool it till 'tis but Blood-warm, and then put in a Spoonful of Runnet.1784Twamley Dairying Exemp. 15 Many a Dairy-maid..has no consistent idea how the Runnet operates, or perhaps of the different states of the Curd.1808Mitchill & Miller Med. Repository V. 140 The runnet, or gastric ferment taken from the stomach of a calf,..will assist in restoring it.1867Rock Jim an' Nell xi, Laist Zinday wi' a drap o' runnet I jist a junket made.
fig.a1661Fuller Worthies, Somerset iii. (1662) 17 The Unity and Amity of those Female Neighbours..giveth the better Runnet and Relish to their handiwork.
2. = rennet n.1 2. ? Obs.
1678Salmon Pharm. Lond. 59 Gallium..is used for Rennet or Runnet to make cheese with.1736Pegge Kenticisms (E.D.S.) 44 Runnet, the herb gallium; called in Derb. ‘erning’; anglicè cheese-runnet.1758Mrs. Delany Life & Lett. (1861) III. 474 The plant you call Runnet or Rundle grass,..she thinks it is the jagged spearwort.
3. attrib., as runnet-bag, runnet-plant, runnet-pot.
1686Plot Staffordsh. 95 The Women also put it in their Runnet pots, it makeing (as they say) the best Cheese.1707Mortimer Husb. (1721) I. 248 Give her to eat some Oats..or the small End of the Runnet-Bag.1784Twamley Dairying Exemp. 104, I have heard of a Plant called the Runnet-plant;..I am informed the Jews make all their Cheese with it.1824Mactaggart Gallovid. Encycl., Ronnet Bags, the rennets for coagulating milk.
II. ˈrunnet2 Obs. rare.
Also -ett.
[f. run v.]
A stream or small river; a runnel.
1601Weever Mirr. Mart. i. ii, This crawling runnet, hony-bubbling fountaine.., Descending from the Diamond-rockie mountaine.1646Providence Rec. (1892) I. 80 The Runnett called Papaquinapauge River.1704Ibid. (1894) V. 184 A small Walnut tree neare a small Runnett comeing downe the hill.
III. runnet
obs. variant of rennet n.2




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