

单词 psychical
释义 psychical, a.|ps-, ˈsaɪkɪkəl|
[f. as prec. + -al1: see -ical.]
1. a. Of or pertaining to the soul or the mind; mental, as distinguished from physical; spec. in Path., due to mental affection or influence.
(By Henry More distinguished from intellectual; ? = spiritual.) psychical blindness, psychical deafness, inability of the brain to interpret impressions received by the visual or auditory organs; psychical determinism, the theory that an individual's mental responses and actions are determined by his previous mental actions or his unconscious mind; psychical distance, the mental distance from subjective emotions or involvement supposed necessary for the appreciation of the aesthetic qualities inherent in some kinds of experience (see quot. 1976); psychical paralysis, see quot. 1893; psychical unity = psychic unity s.v. psychic a. 1 a.
1642H. More Song of Soul ii. i. iii. xxiii, The first we name Nature Monadicall, The second hight Life Intellectuall, Third Psychicall.Ibid. Interpr. Gen. Q iv, I understand by life Psychicall, such centrall life as is capable of æon and Ahad.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. i. ix. (1858) 36 This physical or psychical infirmity..I have..thought right to publish.1847tr. von Feuchtersleben's Med. Psychol. (Syd. Soc.) 18 The proper subject of our inquiries—spirit in its relation to corporeal life, organism in its relation to psychical life.1863J. F. Collingwood tr. Waitz's Introd. Anthropol. I. ii. i. 273 If theology feared that an original difference of language..would involve the original unity of the human species..the science of language restores to theology the psychical unity of mankind.1874Bucknill & Tuke Psych. Med. (ed. 3) 28 The psychical symptoms must then inevitably arrest our attention first in the study of Insanity.1876W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 29 We have no space to discuss the sources of the English prejudice in favor of psychical determinism.1877Foster Phys. iii. ii. (1878) 397 The difficulty of distinguishing between the unconscious or physical and the conscious or psychical factors.1890Billings Med. Dict. s.v., Psychical blindness, soul-blindness. Psychical deafness, word-deafness.1893Syd. Soc. Lex., Psychical paralysis, a paralysis dependent upon psychical defect... Hysterical paralysis may be considered a psychical paralysis.1897C. H. Judd tr. Wundt's Outl. Psychol. v. 323 The ability to produce purely qualitative effects..which we designate as psychical energy.1899Allbutt's Syst. Med. VIII. 566 Such symptoms as hysteria, neurasthenia and psychical over-strain.1902D. G. Brinton Basis of Social Relations i. 19 When we have such evidence as this for the psychical unity of the human species [etc.].1912E. Bullough in Brit. Jrnl. Psychol. V. 87 (heading) ‘Psychical distance’ as a factor in art and aesthetic principle.1913E. Jones Papers on Psycho-Anal. ii. 21 When the sublimation process is not sufficiently potent to provide an outlet for the accompanying psychical energy, other paths of discharge have to be forged.1938R. M. Ogden Psychol. of Art vii. 142 The illusion of ‘psychical distance’ is destroyed when the actors appear in the audience.1960J. Strachey Freud's Compl. Wks. VI. p. xiv, This is the truth which he [sc. Freud] insists upon..: it should be possible in theory to discover the psychical determinants of every smallest detail of the processes of the mind.1976Rader & Jessup Art & Human Values iii. 54 The phrase ‘psychical distance’ was employed..to denote ‘the marvelling unconcern of the mere spectator’ in the moment of aesthetic contemplation. Because the word ‘psychical’ has a misleading connotation..some recent aestheticians have preferred the term ‘aesthetic distance’.
b. Dealing with mental phenomena.
1854Bucknill Crim. Lunacy 14 The purely psychical school of insanity has scarcely gained a footing in this country.
2. Representing Gr. ψυχικός: Of or pertaining to the animal or natural life of man, as opposed to the spiritual (πνευµατικός). (See psyche, note.)
The Gr. ψυχικός in 1 Cor. ii. 14, xv. 44, 46, is opposed to πνευµατικός spiritual, and is rendered in the Vulgate by animālis (whence in Wyclif beestli), in Tindale, Cranmer, Coverd., Geneva, and 1611 by natural(l, in Rheims by sensual and natural.
1708H. Dodwell Nat. Mort. Hum. Souls 46 The Psychical Body must be cloathed upon with a Pneumatical Body, must be transformed and transfigured, like the glorious Body of Christ.1872Liddon Elem. Relig. iii. 92 The word of God is described..as having..an analytical efficacy which separates as clearly between the spiritual and psychical elements of man's immaterial nature, as between the life of sensation and the life of motion in his corporeal nature.1875E. White Life in Christ iii. xx. (1878) 263 A life which, notwithstanding the possession of a spiritual faculty, persists in being animal, or psychical only, is by divine decree transitory and perishable.1882Ch. Q. Rev. Apr. 128 To try the effect of psychical and carnal methods, because apparent failure attends the use of spiritual methods.
3. Of or pertaining to phenomena and conditions which appear to lie outside the domain of physical law, and are therefore attributed by some to spiritual or hyperphysical agency. psychical research, investigation of such phenomena. psychical researcher, one who studies or investigates psychical phenomena.
It has been objected that, as these phenomena, etc. are not explained by ordinary known psychical facts and relations, it is an assumption to class them as ‘psychical’.
1882(Feb. 20) Proc. Soc. Psych. Res. I. (1883) p. v, The name of the Society is..The Society for Psychical Research.1886Gurney, etc. Phantasms of Living I. 5 ‘Psychical’ phenomena. [Note.] The specific sense which we have given to this word needs apology. But we could find no other convenient term, under which to embrace a group of subjects that lie on or outside the boundaries of recognised science.1888Baring-Gould in Chambers' Encycl. s.v. Apparitions, In 1882 a Society for Psychical Research was founded for the scientific and systematic investigation of reported apparitions, clairvoyance, haunted houses, hypnotism, thought-reading, and the phenomena called spiritualistic.1892W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 320 The ‘psychical researchers’, though kept at present somewhat out in the cold, will inevitably conquer the recognition which their labors also deserve.1901Daily Chron. 14 May 3/2 Why, he asks, call the subject matter of their investigation ‘psychical research’, when it is really, so far as it is a legitimate matter for scientific inquiry, only a branch of morbid psychology?1912J. Buchan Moon Endureth iv. 135 The Presences might be..spirits..behaving as psychical researchers think they do.1931A. Huxley Music at Night 102 There is the scientific Psychical Researcher, whose views on the future life..seem to be almost indistinguishable from those held by Homer and the author of Ecclesiastes.1965Jrnl. Soc. Psychical Res. XLIII. 32 Mr Priestley..has..a number of interesting and original suggestions to offer that are well worth the serious consideration of psychical researchers.
4. psychical moment: see psychological a. 2 b.
1904Sat. Rev. 19 Nov. 633 The position of vantage indicated as the psychical moment to strike in.




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