

单词 round-up
释义 round-up
[See round n.2 and v.1]
1. a. Ship-building. (See quot. 1846.)
1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1780) s.v. Transom, The former of these is called..the round-up, and the latter the round-aft.Ibid., Tonture des baux, the round-up, or convexity of a ship's beams.1833Richardson Merc. Mar. Arch. 8 Short curved line for the round-up and round-aft of the wing transom.1846A. Young Naut. Dict., Round-up of the Transoms; the segment of a circle to which they are sided; of beams, that to which they are moulded.1869E. J. Reed Shipbuilding xx. 431 While the frames and keel of the ship are in progress, beam moulds, with the round-up and lengths marked on them, are given out to the workmen to guide them in making beams.
b. transf. (in quot. attrib.)
1926J. Masefield Odtaa 214 He took one of the big round-up stew cauldrons which lay against a wall.
2. a. orig. U.S. The driving of cattle, etc., together or into an enclosure, usually for the purpose of registering ownership, counting, etc. Also fig.
1873in Ann. Wyoming (1927) V. 74 The herders of this Co. start a Round-up tomorrow... Each man picks out his stock and drives them in.1878J. H. Beadle Western Wilds xxviii. 437 These cattle, having run wild upon the plains of western Texas, are collected by a grand ‘round⁓up’.1879Tinsley's Mag. XXIV. 353 One's companions, when camping out on the ‘round up’ are often anything but desirable.1882Baillie-Grohman Camps Rockies xii. 339 To collect these stragglers and to take a census,..the annual ‘round-up’ is held.1887T. R. Ranche Life Montana 160 When they have gone some miles, the captain of the round-up tells them to spread out into a wide half-circle, driving-in all the horses.1907S. E. White Arizona Nights iii. 60 We had our first round-up, found the natural increase much in excess of the loss by Indians.1909[see pay v.1 10].1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris xv. 287 Busse, rattled as a rabbit in a roundup, bounced back to the pavement just in time to bump into the burly Chestnut Man.1976Billings (Montana) Gaz. 10 June 1-c/1 At the Spanagel ranch west of Forsyth all hands are in the middle of roundup and putting up hay.
b. A meeting or social gathering of acquaintances or friends; a reunion.
1880Harper's Mag. Feb. 380/2 We old fellows have a round up 'most every year in Denver.1887A. A. Hayes Jesuit's Ring 270 We'll have a round-up of your old friends.1895Daily News 16 Sept. 6/4 The good bishop had a family reunion or ‘round up’ on the lawn of one of his estates.1936L. C. Douglas White Banners iv. 70 An unexpected invitation to read a paper at the first monthly round-up of the University Club.
c. The group of men and horses engaged in a round-up.
1878in Colorado Mag. (1939) XVI. 152 Most of the round-up gone; a few still lingered at the bar.1903‘O. Henry’ in Everybody's Mag. June 519/1 The round-up had ridden on but a few moments before.a1918G. Stuart 40 Yrs. on Frontier (1925) II. 178 It was a novel sight to witness the big spring roundup pull out.
d. A survey of opinion; a résumé of facts or events; spec. in Broadcasting, a summary of newsworthy items.
1886Philadelphia Times 3 May 1/1 That exception..will probably be included in the general round-up by tomorrow.1892Boston Jrnl. 29 Nov. 3/1 Round-Up of the Boston Aldermanic Districts.1904F. Crissey Tattlings of Retired Policeman ii. 42 A hatchet-faced lawyer..made a quick round-up of the representatives of the corporate interests and vested rights of the state.1932Sun (Baltimore) 21 Dec. 8/2 The ‘round-ups’ of Congressional opinion on the war debts issue.1949Lincoln County News (Oceanlake, Oregon) 4 Aug. 3/4 Another periodic survey of censorship conditions..shows no major barriers have come down since the last roundup of the situation.1958Spectator 1 Aug. 159/1 The BBC's Middle East round-up on Saturday night was a notable project.1962Listener 22 Mar. 528/1 He presented a brilliant newsreel round-up ‘Cease-fire in Algeria’.1967Economist 2 Dec. 915/1 A round-up of how America has reacted to the first rush into gold.1974Radio Times 21 Feb. 46/2 Commentary from Trinidad on the final day's play in the Second Test, together with a round-up of the day's sport.
e. The systematic rounding-up of people or of objects; spec. the arrest of people suspected of crime.
1899Chicago Rec. 17 Jan. 12/1 A ‘round-up’ of all suspicious characters was begun.1927A. Christie Big Four v. 54 A short time ago a round-up was made of certain crooks and gunmen.1943Sun (Baltimore) 17 Nov. 6/1 The collection today will be of all tins accumulated since June 9, when the last such roundup took place.1966M. R. D. Foot SOE in France ix. 264 Contacts in the Rouen police..provided reliable warnings of impending round-ups.1978Detroit Free Press 16 Apr. (Record) 9/3 The round-up began Aug. 26 at the command of the Germans, who at the same time began arresting 20,000 foreign Jews in the occupied zone.
f. = rodeo 3 b.
1914World's Work Feb. 444/2 During the three days of The Round-Up, a constant stream of humanity pours into Pendleton.1948Great Falls (Montana) Tribune 18 Sept. 5/4 Malta is preparing to welcome at least 5,000 people this weekend when the two-day fall roundups will be staged.
g. In fig. phr. the last round-up, death, resurrection, or the Last Judgement.
1932G. Brown (song-title) The last round up.1940Hoofs & Horns Dec. 11/1 Tom Mix..has laid down his honors..and taken the sunset trail that leads to the Last Roundup.
3. U.S. A settlement, clearance.
1886Philadelphia Times 3 May (Cent.), That exception..will probably be included in the general round-up tomorrow.
4. attrib., as (sense 2 a) round-up boss, round-up camp, round-up captain, round-up outfit, round-up party, round-up wagon; (sense 2 d) round-up article, round-up programme, round-up review; (sense 2 f) round-up pennant, round-up week.
1960V. Jenkins Lions down Under 14 ‘Potentially the greatest team ever to tour New Zealand,’ was how Graeme Jenkins..described them in a *round-up article.1977Irish Times 8 June 4/7 A round-up article on the celebrations written by the agency's court correspondent was delivered by hand to some London offices last night.
1920J. M. Hunter Trail Drivers of Texas 313 The *round-up boss would let no one drive through the herd.
1923R. Pocock in Outward Bound Mar. 410/2 Seventeen miles across the Mesa la Sal, in Utah, brought me to a *round-up camp.
1907*Round-up captain [see cut n.2 24 c].
1890Stock Grower & Farmer 14 June 5/3 The herder was found by the Long S *roundup outfit, about six miles west of Sulphur draw.
1885Weekly New Mexican Rev. 26 Mar. 1/6 *Round-up parties have already been started for that section.1891Fur, Fin & Feather Mar. 188 Wolves naturally follow in the wake of round-up parties.
1931Y. Winters Coll. Wks. (1952) 66, I remembered..The sprawling streets,..The *Round-up pennants.
1979Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts CXXVII. 358/1 What is reported on the news, and current affairs, something very different indeed from..election *round-up programmes.
1978Amer. Poetry Rev. Nov./Dec. 32/3 A *round-up review by George Dillon in Poetry.
1893T. Roosevelt Wilderness Hunter ii. 23 Close beyond the trees on the farther bank stood the two *round-up wagons.1973R. D. Symons Where Wagon Led i. i. 10 Two of the three men..were out in the south country with the roundup wagon.
1924W. M. Raine Troubled Waters iv. 40 A poster..announced *Round-up Week,..roping, and other Western sports.




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