

单词 nobly
释义 nobly, adv.|ˈnəʊblɪ|
Forms: α. 3 noblyche, 3–4 -liche, 4 -lich, 5 -leche; 4 nobeliche, -lyche. β. 4 nobely, 4–5 -illy, 5 -elly, -ully, -ylly, -yly, 6 -ily; 4– nobly. See also noblely.
[f. noble a. + -ly2.]
In a noble manner.
1. With noble courage or spirit; gallantly, bravely; in a lofty or exalted manner.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 5545 Þis noble king aþelston..Nobliche & wel he faȝt.c1330Arth. & Merl. 4880 (Kölbing), No herd men neuer so fewe in lond, Noblicher so fele wiþstond.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 73 Þe consuls of Rome sette busshementes for hym, and he defendede hym nobeliche.c1420Lydg. Assembly of Gods 1073 Nobully theym bare and faught myghtyly.1470–85Malory Arthur viii. iv. 278 Syr Marhaus the good knyght that was nobly preued.1607Harington in Nugæ Ant. (1804) II. 243 The arch-bishop did much noblier to hazard this obliquie of some idle tongues.1654–66Earl of Orrery Parthen. (1676) 717 His Navy could not have been Noblier lost.1692E. Walker tr. Epictetus' Mor. Introd., His rich Soul aloft did soar, And nobly left the drossy ground.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. xi. I. 375 No general had more nobly deserved a triumph than Aurelian.1784Cowper Task v. 705 Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause Bled nobly.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. ii. 177 His impulses, in general nobly directed, had never known contradiction.1886― in Good Wds. July 378 If we believe nobly about ourselves we have a chance of living nobly.
2. Splendidly, magnificently, finely.
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 3279 Þis feste was noble ynou, & nobliche ydo.c1330R. Brunne Chron. Wace (Rolls) 9761 Nobliche his court he ledde.c1375Cursor M. 7408 (Fairf.), Dauid cowde..nobely harpe and sing wiþ rote.c1394P. Pl. Crede 128 Þi name schall noblich ben wryten & wrouȝt for the nones.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. cxxxix. (1869) 72 She hadde now arayed me queyntliche and nobleche.c1450Mirour Saluacioun (Roxb.) 2 The temple Salomon belded to god noblyie.a1533Ld. Berners Huon lxxxi. 241 Thus..kyng Charlemayn nobly accompanyed rode..by his iourneyes.1568Grafton Chron. II. 247 The two Cardynals went thorough Henault at the desire of y⊇ erle, who feasted them right nobly.1613Shakes. Hen. VIII, iv. i. 90 The Rod, and Bird of Peace, and all such Emblemes Laid Nobly on her.1668Pepys Diary 2 Nov., There I was stopped and dined mighty nobly at a good table.1724Swift Drapier's Lett. vii. Wks. 1751 IX. 93 The Painted Chamber, and Court of Requests,..are never so nobly filled, as when an Irish Appeal is under Debate.1871B. Taylor Fanst (1875) II. iii. 185 Cheerful and brave and bold, and nobly formed is he.1890‘R. Boldrewood’ Col.-Reformer (1891) 161 A nobly proportioned..apartment.
3. In that manner which is involved in noble breeding, connexions, or descent; esp. nobly born.
1591Spenser Teares Muses 446 What bootes it then to come from glorious Forefathers, or to have been nobly bredd?1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iii. v. 182 A Gentleman..Of faire Demeanes, Youthfull, and Nobly Allied.1684Dryden Ep. Earl Roscommon 55 Now will invention and translation thrive, When authors nobly born will bear their part.1719J. T. Philipps tr. Thirty-four Confer. 283 That our Souls are nobly and heavenly descended, I allow.1822Byron Werner i. i, I, born nobly also,..was taught a different lesson.1854Ruskin Arch. & Paint. ii. 94 Thinking it better to be nobly remembered than nobly born.
4. Comb., as nobly-born, nobly-dowered, nobly-mannered, nobly-minded, nobly-peopled, nobly-privileged, nobly-sacred.
1620T. Granger Div. Logike 340 A man of noble mind begetteth noblie-minded children.1648J. Beaumont Psyche i. iii, By free Carrowsing in these nobly-sacred Streams.Ibid. vii. cxcii, O nobly-privileg'd Poverty.1789C. Smith Ethelinde (1814) V. 103 The nobly-born, and nobly-minded Montgomery.1822Byron Werner iii. i, Asking after you With nobly-born impatience.1859Tennyson Guinevere 332 These two Were the most nobly-manner'd men of all.1870Bryant Iliad I. v. 158 Who quickly will destroy Your nobly-peopled city.Ibid. vi. 202 The nobly-dowered Andromache Came forth to meet him.




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