

单词 rosemary
释义 rosemary|ˈrəʊzmərɪ|
Forms: 5 rose mary, 6 rosmary, 6–7 rosemarie (6 -ye), 7 rosemery; 6– rosemary.
[An alteration of rosmarine, ad. L. rōs marīnus or late L. rōsmarīnum (neut.), whence also It. rosmarino, F. romarin (OF. romm-, roum-, rosmarin, rosamerine), Prov. and Cat. romani(n), Pg. rosmaninho (Sp. romero), and in the Teut. languages, MDu. rosemarine, -ijn (Du. ros-, rozemarijn), MHG. rôsenmarîn, roszmarin (G. rosmarin), MSw. rosemarin (Sw. and Da. rosmarin).
The L. name, which also appears as marīnus rōs, rōs maris, and simply rōs, means ‘sea-dew’, which has been supposed to have reference to the plant growing near the sea. In English, as in some of the older Teut. forms, the first element has been assimilated to rose n., and the second may have been taken as the name of the Virgin.]
1. An evergreen shrub (Rosmarinus officinalis), of the N.O. Labiatæ, native to the south of Europe, the leaves of which have an agreeable fragrance, and have been much used in perfumery, and to some extent in medicine.
c1440Promp. Parv. 437/1 Rose mary, herbe (K. rose⁓maryne), rosemarinus, rosa marina.1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 980 The ruddy rosary, The souerayne rosemary, The praty strawbery.1578Lyte Dodoens 263 Rosemary floureth twise a yeare, once in the spring time of the yeare, and secondarily in August.1603Dekker Wonderfull Yeare Wks. (Grosart) I. 114 Rosemary which had wont to be sold for 12. pence an armefull, went now for six shillings a handfull.1671Grew Anat. Plants (1682) 17 Some Vegetables lose their Smell, as Roses; others, keep it, as Rose⁓mary.1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 211 Aromatick Herbes, as Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender, and the like.1785Martyn Rousseau's Bot. xii. (1794) 125 If you compare the flowers of sage and rosemary together, you will find them agree in most..particulars.1807J. E. Smith Phys. Bot. 190 It has been long ago asserted that wax may easily be gathered from the leaves of Rosemary.1866Treas. Bot. 992/1 Rose⁓mary..is employed in the form of lotion and wash for the hair.1882‘Ouida’ Maremma I. 115 Its sides were clothed with myrtle, aloe, and rosemary.
b. With pl. A plant or species of rosemary.
1866Cornhill Mag. Nov. 537 A tangled growth of heaths and arbutus, and pines, and rosemaries.
2. In passages referring to the use of rosemary as an emblem, or on particular occasions (as funerals and weddings), or for decoration, etc.
(a)1584C. Robinson Handefull Pleas. Delites A ij b, Rosemarie is for remembrance, betweene vs daie and night.1602Shakes. Ham. iv. v. 175 There's Rosemary, that's for Remembraunce.1706Estcourt Fair Example iii. i, I dreamt last Night of Rosemary, that betokens Honour.
(b)1592Shakes. Rom. & Jul. iv. iv. 79 Sticke your Rose⁓marie On this faire Coarse, and as the custome is, And in her best array beare her to Church.1682Will of Tooker (Somerset Ho.), My body to the earth without any ceremony then Rosemary and wine.1700T. Brown tr. Fresny's Amusem. 22 There goes a Funeral with the Men of Rosemary after it.1725Bourne in Brand Pop. Antiq. (1777) iii. 29 The carrying of Ivy, or Laurel, or Rosemary, or some of those Ever-Greens [at funerals], is an Emblem of the Soul's Immortality.
(c)1601Sir W. Cornwallis Essays ii. I. [xlix.] Nn 6 As trim as a Brides rosemary.a1652Brome City Wit v. i, They passe as to the Wedding with Rosemary.1663Killigrew Parson's Wedding v. i, Go get you in then, and let your husband dip the Rosemary.
(d)1611Beaum. & Fl. Kt. Burning Pestle v. i, We will have..a good piece of beef, stuck with Rose-mary.17..Boy & the Mantle xxxvi. in Percy Reliques, Where stood a boar's head garnished With bayes and rosemarye.1808Scott Marm. vi. Introd. 59 Then the grim boar's head frown'd on high, Crested with bays and rosemary.1831Lytton E. Aram i. v, The ale, and the cider with rose⁓mary in the bowl, were incomparable potations.
3. Applied to various other plants, usually with qualifying word prefixed, as golden rosemary, poet's rosemary, Spanish rosemary, wild rosemary: (see quots.).
1597Gerarde Herbal iii. vi. 1110 The Poets Rose⁓marie or Gardrobe, Casia Poetica L'Obelij.1611Cotgr., Rosmarin sauvage, (the red-branched) wild Rosemarie.1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl. App., Spanish-Rosemary, a name sometimes given to the Thymelæa of botanists... Poet's-Rosemary, a name sometimes given to the Cassia of botanists.1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 325 Rosemary, Wild, Sedum.Ibid., Rosemary, Lesser Wild, Andromeda.1860Piesse Lab. Chem. Wonders 172 In Sweden the marsh sedum or wild rosemary takes the place of the hop.1862C. A. Johns Brit. Birds 426 A shrub (popularly known on the coast of Norfolk by the name of ‘Rosemary’), the Suæda fruticosa, Shrubby Sea Blite, of botanists.1889J. H. Maiden Useful Native Pl. 396 Cassinia lævis... Called ‘Wild Rosemary’ in parts of Queensland. A rather slender shrub.1898Morris Austral Eng. 395/2 Rosemary, Golden, name given in Tasmania to the plant Oxylobium ellipticum.
4. attrib. and Comb., as rosemary branch, rosemary camphor, rosemary flower, rosemary oil, etc.
1551Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 187 Of a Rosemary braunche sente.1577F. de Lisle's Legendarie B vj b, But as sone as she had gotten her desired pray, she gaue them a rosemarie wipe, dismissing them.1611Florio, Rosmaro,..also a Rosemary-tree.1674Petty Disc. Dupl. Proportion 75 A foot square of a Rosemary-Field may be smelt one Perch or Rod.1706[see Hungary].1728Chambers Cycl. s.v., Conserve of Rosemary Flowers, Essence of Rosemary, Rosemary-Water, &c.1753Suppl. s.v. Thymelæa, Short rosemary-like leaves.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 170/2 It deposits a stearopten, or rosemary-camphor.1866Treas. Bot. 807/2 Oil, Rosemary, the volatile oil distilled from the branches of Rosmarinus officinalis.
b. rosemary-stones: (see quot.).
1686Plot Staffordsh. 155 A sort of friable stone of a deep yellow colour found sparsim in lumps amongst the stiffest and fattest Marles at Eardley.., used by the painters, and by the workmen all call'd by the general name of Rosemary-stones.
c. rosemary-leaved, in plant-names.
1731Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Myrtus, Rosemary-leav'd Myrtle.1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl. s.v. Thymelæa, The rosemary-leaved African Thymelæa, with long flowers.1786Abercrombie Gard. Assist., Arr. 34 Santolina,..Rosemary leaved.Ibid. 41 Lavender cotton,..Rosemary leaved.1855Miss Pratt Flower. Pl. V. 88 Rosemary-leaved Willow.




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