

单词 rix-dollar
释义 rix-dollar Now Hist.|ˈrɪksdɒlə(r)|
Forms: α. 6 reekes (7 reichs) doller, 7 rexdolar, dollar, dol(l)er. β. 7 rix(e dollar, rixdoller, rix doller, ricksdoller, 8 rycksdollar, 7– rix dollar, rix-dollar, rixdollar. γ. rich dollar.
[ad. older Du. rijcksdaler (Kilian; mod.Du. rijksdaalder, Fris. ryksdaelder), = Sw. riksdaler, Da. rigsdaler, G. reichsthaler: see riche and dollar.]
1. A silver coin and money of account, current from the latter part of the 16th to the middle of the 19th century in various European countries (as Holland, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden) and in their commerce with the East, etc.
α1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten i. vi. 17 Each pardauwe, accounted as much as a Réekes Doller, Flemish money. [1617Moryson Itin. i. 286 The silver Doller of the Empire (called Reichs Doller) is of the standard of ten ounces or thereabouts.]1640Bk. War Committee Covenanters 2 For fornishing thairof, ordaines to be given xx rex dollares.1654Nicholas Papers (Camden) II. 76 The King..has givin him in landis to the valew of 100,000 Rex dolers.1690Burgh Rec. Lanark (1893) 234 Thrie rex dollares.
β1622in Birch Crt. & Times Jas. I (1848) II. 306 He cometh for his army with great store of rix dollars.1658Cal. Domest. State Papers 313 The Turks demand 75,000 rix dollars for the provisions.1700S. L. tr. Fryke's Voy. E. Ind. 6 The Surgeons 28 Gilders, and Diet, and on Shoar 3 Ricksdollers.1753Hanway Trav. (1762) I. vii. xciv. 434 The par is reckoned one hundred and twenty-five Saxon dollars, for one hundred rix dollars current in Amsterdam.1803Med. Jrnl. IX. 539 At all other times they would receive the regular salary of thirty rix-dollars monthly.1842J. Bischoff Woollen Manuf. II. 168 The price which was charged me..was about five rix dollars and three quarters.
γc1645Howell Lett. vi. i, So I left my Lord at Glukstad,..being com hither to take up 8000 rich Dollars upon Mr. Burlamachs Bils.
2. A unit of currency introduced into certain former colonies, as by the Dutch in Cape Province and the English in Ceylon. (See also quot. 1962.)
1785G. Forster tr. Sparrman's Voy. Cape Good Hope I. 19 Board and lodging are paid for here as at the Cape, from one rix-dollar to one and a half a day.1790E. Helme tr. Le Vaillant's Trav. Afr. I. ii. 21 While I was there [sc. at Capetown] butchers meat was very cheap; I have seen thirteen pounds of mutton bought for an escalin; (eleven⁓pence English) an ox for 12 or 15 rix dollars; (at six shilings and nine-pence English, the rix dollar) ten quarters of corn for 14 or 15 Rix-dollars, and other things in proportion.1827G. Thompson Trav. & Adventures Southern Afr. I. i. iv. 79 He provides a salary of 400 rix-dollars to encourage a day-school for females.1836Penny Cycl. VI. 453/2 In the district of Putlam they were faced boldly in the open forest, and ensnared singly, for a reward varying according to the size and description of animal, from 11 to 352 rix-dollars.1866J. Leyland Adventures Far Interior S. Afr. iii. 233 The charge for crossing in the barge was fifteen shillings, or ten rix dollars.1900A. H. Keane Boer States p. xviii, Rixdollar, a coin current in the Cape in colonial times.1962R. A. G. Carson Coins 533 The Dutch monetary system of a rix⁓dollar or rijksdaalder of 48 stuiver was continued [in Cape Province] by the British in the early nineteenth century.




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