

单词 atone
释义 I. atone, v.|əˈtəʊn|
Also 6–8 attone.
[f. the prec. advb. phr. in its combined form as repr. a simple idea, and 16th c. pronunciation. Short for the phrase ‘set or make at one’; cf. to back, to forward, to right, etc., and the compounds at-one-maker, at-one making, under prec. Assisted by the prior existence of the vb. to one = make one, put at one, unite, L. unīre, F. unir; whence onement was used already by Wyclif. From the frequent phrases ‘set at one’ or ‘at onement,’ the combined atonement began to take the place of onement early in 16th c., and atone to supplant one vb. about 1550. Atone was not admitted into the Bible in 1611, though atonement had been in since Tindale.]
I. Of unity of disposition.
1. trans. To set at one, bring into concord, reconcile, unite in harmony:
a. contending persons. (Obs. exc. as revived by etymological writers.)
1593Shakes. Rich. II, i. i. 202 Since we cannot attone you, you shall see Iustice designe the Victors Chiualrie.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. vii. 65 The new Pope..sends a Cardinall Deacon to attone the two mightie Kings of France and England.1643Milton Soveraigne Salve 9 The king and parliament will soon be attoned.1675Dryden Aureng-zebe iii. 1136 The King and haughty Empress..If not atton'd, yet seemingly at Peace.1845–6Trench Huls. Lect. Ser. i. ii. 30 Him in whom God and man were perfectly atoned.
b. differences, quarrels. To compose, appease.
1555Fardle Facions i. vi. 92 Those battayles are attoned by the women..For when they be ones comen into the middle..the battaile sodenly ceaseth.1565J. Heywood in Casquet Lit. IV. 232/2 The constable is called to atone the broil.1624Heywood Gunaik. iv. 167 She presently..attonde the discord.1702Rowe Tamerlane iii. i. 1096 Could I attone The fatal Breach 'twixt thee and Tamerlane.
2. intr. To unite, come into unity or concord.
1600Shakes. A.Y.L. v. iv. 116 Then is there mirth in heauen When earthly things made eauen Attone together.1607Cor. iv. vi. 72 He and Auffidius can no more attone Then violent'st Contrariety.
3. trans. To reconcile or restore to friendly relations:
a. one who is alienated by a sense of wrong or offence received: To conciliate, propitiate, appease. arch.
a1617Bayne On Eph. (1658) 11 Now he [God] is atoned and reconciled by Christ.1698Dryden æneid iii. 45 With pray'rs and vows the Driads I attone.1718Pope Iliad i. 89 So heaven, atoned, shall dying Greece restore.1809Let. in Dk. Buckhm. Crt. Geo. III (1855) IV. 391/3 To atone Lord Wellesley for the mortification he must have experienced.
b. the offender: To restore by forgiveness to favour or friendly relations, to make at peace with.
1642J. Jackson Bk. Consc. 54 There can be no sound peace of Conscience, till we be atoned and reconciled to God.
4. Whence, absol. To make reconcilement or propitiation:
a. for the offender.
1682Dryden Relig. Laici 89 If sheep and oxen could atone for men.a1700Dram. Wks. (1761) III. 18 The Oracle of Appius, and the Witchcraft of Erictho will somewhat attone for him [Lucan].
b. for the offence. (Here the idea of reconciliation or reunion is practically lost sight of, under that of legal satisfaction or amends.)
1665Glanvill Sceps. Sci. Addr. 28 Need to plead it to attone for the imperfection of this Address.1710Palmer Proverbs xi, Fine language will never attone for want of manners.1711Steele Spect. No. 20 ⁋7 Nothing can atone for the Want of Modesty.1771Junius Lett. liv. 288 He..has a multitude of political offences to atone for.1873Black Pr. Thule xix. 315 She would..give him a chance of atoning for the past.
5. trans. (by omission of for) To expiate, make amends for (a fault or loss).
1665Glanvill Sceps. Sci. 76 [This] I hope will attone the Digression.a1677Barrow Serm. (1687) I. xxxi. 430 Other sacrifices..did in their way propitiate God and atone sin.1799Sheridan Pizarro v. iv, I will endeavour to atone the..errors.1837Lytton Athens II. 223 They endeavoured to atone the loss by the pursuit of Artabazus.
b. To make expiation for (the offender). Obs.
1650W. Brough Sacr. Princ. (1659) 29 For thy dear Sons sake..By whom the world is attoned, O let me be reconciled to Thee.1717L. Welsted Wks. (1787) 105 No victim can atone the impious age.
II. Of physical, expressional, or artistic unity.
6. trans. To join in one, unite together. Obs.
1609Heywood Bryt. Troy iv. xx, Their long diuided bodies they attone, And enter amorous parley.1615Chapman Odyss. ix. 266 High built with pines, that heaven and earth attone.1672Davenant Mistress (1673) 322 Your Eies and Hair atone the day and Night.
b. fig. To bring into artistic or logical harmony; to harmonize.
1691E. Taylor tr. Behmen's Theos. Phil. 203 The contrary properties in him are..so attoned and in harmony.1827Hare Guesses I. 233 To atone our ideas with our perceptions.
c. absol. To produce a harmony of significance.
1862Trench Mirac. Introd. 76 That attempt to reconcile and atone between revelation and science, which, etc.
7. intr.
a. To come together, unite. Obs.
1611Heywood Gold. Age ii. i, You neuer shall with hated men attone.
b. To harmonize in character or appearance.
1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Rich. II, 122 The Glorious flowers wch best attone Within a Chaplett.1844Ld. Houghton Mem. Many Sc. 106 Welcome such thoughts! They well atone With this more serious mood.
II. atone, n.|əˈtəʊn|
[f. prec. vb.]
1. Agreement, reconciliation. Obs.
1595Spenser Col. Clout 843 For how should else things so far from attone..Be ever drawne together into one.1638Heywood Rape Lucr. (1874) 185 Tullia..hath not yet by reconcilement made Attone with Phœbus.
2. Reparation, expiation. (Archaism with mod. sense.)
1868Buchanan Wallace i. iii, Oh injured Wallace! Would Heaven but lend me one day's life to do Atone to thee.




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