

单词 protochloride
释义 ˌprotoˈchloride Chem.
[proto- 3 a.]
A compound of chlorine with another element or radical, containing the minimum proportion of chlorine; hence, antithetical to perchloride. Formerly also called protoˈchloruret. (Now usually otherwise expressed, as protochloride of iron = ferrous chloride, FeCl2).
1815Henry Elem. Chem. (ed. 7) I. xiv. 418 The different compounds of chlorine with one base, might have been designated in the way proposed by Dr. Thomson for the oxides, the first being called proto-chloride, the second deuto-chloride, and so of the rest.1836J. M. Gully Magendie's Formul. (ed. 2) 169 Exposed to a moderate heat, it passes to the state of proto-chloruret.1842Parnell Chem. Anal. (1845) 89 A solution of protochloride of tin containing a little perchloride of tin.




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