

单词 prostern
释义 proˈstern, v. Obs.
[a. F. prosterner (15th c. in Littre), ad. L. prōsternĕre to strew in front, throw down, prostrate, f. prō, pro-1 1 b + sternĕre to lay flat.]
trans. To cast down, lay flat, prostrate. (Chiefly refl. or pass.) Hence proˈsterning vbl. n. = prosternation.
c1489Caxton Blanchardyn xxv. 93 His doughter Beatryse..prosterned or casted her self doune byfore her faders feet, on her knees humbly.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. 79 We maist humblie and laulie prosterne our selfs.1612J. Gordon Ειρηνοκοινωνία E iij, In..prayers there is a threefold kinde of gesture..: the first is a falling downe or prosterning of the body: the second is..a bowing downe of the head to the ground. The third is kneeling.




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