

单词 arrive
释义 I. arrive, v.|əˈraɪv|
Forms: 3–7 arive, 3–6 aryve, (4 ariffe), 5–6 arryve, (6 arriff), 5 – arrive.
[a. OF. arive-r, cogn. with Pr. arivar, aribar, It. arrivare, Sp., Pg. arribar, OIt., late L. arribāre:—arrīpāre, adrīpāre, f. ad to + rīpa shore; = ad rīpam appellĕre; cf. mod.It. arripare in orig. sense. With the subseq. widening of sense (which took place before the word was adopted in Eng.), cf. the use of to land. In 14–15th c. occas. aphetized to rive; and inflected after strong vbs., with pa. tense arove (rove, arofe), pa. pple. ariven (aryven).]
I. Of reaching by water.
1. trans. To bring (a ship, its crew or passengers) to shore or into port; to land (a ship, etc.).[The first two quotations may belong to 2.] 1205Lay. 16063 Nu beoð of Brutaine beornes ariued..i þis lond at Tottenæs [1250 at Dertemuþ in Totenas].c1300Beket 1854 Hou Seint Thomas the holi man at Sandwych aryved was.c1374Chaucer Boeth. iv. iii. 122 Þe wynde aryueþ þe sayles of vlixes..and hys wandryng shippes by þe see in to þe isle þere as Circe..dwelleþ.1624Chapman Homer's Hymn Apollo 684 And made the sea-trod ship arrive them near The grapeful Crissa.1650W. Brough Sacr. Princ. (1659) 486 Some points of wind..may as soon Overturn, as Arrive the ship.1664Floddan Field iii. 28 Had promis'd plight..His Fleet in merry ray to arive.
2. a. intr. (through refl.) To come to shore or into port; to land. (Said of a ship, its crew, or passengers: till about 1550 the only prevalent sense.) Now merged in 5.
1297R. Glouc. 371 Þat folc of Denemarch..myd þre hondered ssypuolmen..aryuede in þe Norþ contreye.1375Barbour Bruce iv. 559 We may thair ariffe in-to saufte.1387Trevisa Higden Rolls Ser. VII. 87/1 Þe navy of Danes rove up at Sandwyche [Sandwicum appulit].1393Gower Conf. III. 288 Till that he arriveth Sauf in the porte of Antioche.c1450Lonelich Grail xxxii. 57 Tweyn schepis to þat yl a-ryved there.1470Harding Chron. xlii, His nauye greate..In Thamis aroue.1538Starkey England 57 The schype arryvyth at the haven purposyd.1611Bible Luke viii. 26 They arriued at the countrey of the Gadarenes.1790Beatson Nav. & Mil. Mem. I. 57 The fleet..with the troops and stores, were arrived at Jamaica.1874Marine Insur. Policy, Until the said Ship..shall be arrived at ―.
b. Of things: To be brought by ship. sold to arrive: (a cargo) sold for delivery on arrival in port.
1755N. Magens Insurances, The goods are arrived and brought a-shore safe.1861Du Chaillu's Equat. Afr. ii. 13 Shipments of slaves sold ‘to arrive,’ but which do not come to hand.
3. trans. (by omission of prep.) To come to, land at, reach (a shore, port, etc.). arch. See 6.
1587M. Grove Pelops & Hipp. (1878) 96 Nowe we arriue the hauen.1601Shakes. Jul. C. i. ii. 110 Ere we could arriue the Point propos'd.1630Wadsworth Sp. Pilgr. i. 5 Through a Million of dangers we arriued the Spanish coasts.1667Milton P.L. ii. 409 Ere he arrive The happy Ile.
II. Of reaching generally.
a. trans. To bring, to convey; to ‘land’ a person in any situation. Obs.
1489Caxton Faytes of Armes ii. xxiii. 136 Habillementes for to conueie and arrive the thynges that ben nedefull.1607Chapman Bussy D'Ambois Plays 1873 II. 82 And belief must arrive him on huge riches.1667Waterhouse Fire Lond. 95 These remisnesses..arrive men at woe.
b. refl. in sense of next.
1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxxii. 216 Tho toke they the mortimer as he arryued hym at the toures dore.
5. a. intr. To come to the end of a journey, to a destination, or to some definite place; to come upon the scene, make one's appearance.
c1384Chaucer H. Fame 1047 Both he and y As nygh the place arryved were As men may casten with a spere.a1400Sir Degrev. 59 The eorlle hadd i-revayd, And in hys ȝerd lyȝthus.1596Spenser F.Q. v. iv. 6 When Artegall arriving happily Did stay awhile their greedy bickerment.1611Shakes. Wint. T. i. ii. 422 A sauour, that may strike the dullest Nosthrill Where I arriue.1831Carlyle Sart. Res. iii. ix, New labourers will arrive; new Bridges will be built.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt (1868) 22 Before Harold could actually arrive.
b. Const. at, in, upon (into, to, obs.).
c1325E.E. Allit. P. A. 447 Alle þat may ther-inne [in þe kyndom of god] aryue.c1435Torr. Portugal Fragm. 1 In a forest she is aryven.1518Sir A. Browne in Strype Eccl. Mem. I. App. xiv. 32 By foor your Grace cowd wel arriff at Amyas.1539Cromwell ibid. I App. civ. 272 Yesterday arrived to me hither Your Majesties servants.1539Tonstall Serm. Palme Sund. (1823) 14 Into what howse or place so euer ye shall arriue.a1586Sidney (J.) We arrived upon the verge of his estate.1661Barrow Serm. i. I. 2 He shall in good time arriue to his designed journey's end.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xi. III. 39 There was no outbreak till the regiment arrived at Ipswich.Mod. Two policemen at length arrived upon the scene.
c. Of things: To be brought or conveyed. (Now only of things material.)
1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xxvii. 155 The Law cannot arrive time enough to his assistance.1667Dryden Ess. Dram. Poesy Wks. 1725 I. 46 Let the rest arrive to the Audience by narration.1709Tatler No. 5 ⁋3 Letters..immediately after arrived from the court of Madrid.1860Tyndall Glac. i. §11. 71 The ladder now arrived, and we crossed the crevasse.
6. trans. (by omission of prep.) To come to, reach. arch.
1647H. More Song of Soul iii. App. xxxiii, Humours did arrive His knobby head.1647R. Stapylton Juvenal 191 Till the crime Arrive the people, and the prince's eare.a1823Shelley Eurip. Cyclops 668 While I ask and hear Whence coming they arrive the ætnean hill.1850Tennyson In Mem. lxxxiv, Arrive at last the blessed goal.
III. Of reaching a position, state, or time.
7. To come to a position or state of mind, or reach an object, as the result of continuous effort; to attain, gain, achieve, compass.
a. intr. with (to obs.) at.
1393Gower Conf. III. 202 Leoncius Was to thempire of Rome arrived.1607Shakes. Timon iv. iii. 512 Many so arriue at second Masters, Vpon their first Lords necke.1642Howell (title), Instructions for Forreine Travell. Shewing by what cours..one may..arrive to the practical knowledge of the Languages.1671Sir C. Lyttelton in Hatton Corr. (1878) 72 If he arrives at any employment of that nature.1737Waterland Eucharist 80 They affect to contemn, what they cannot arrive to.1850McCosh Div. Govt. (1874) iii. i. 290 We arrive at a knowledge of a law of nature by the generalization of the facts presented to the senses.1862H. Spencer First Princ. i. iv. §22 The same conclusion is thus arrived at.
b. with inf. Obs.
1673Dryden Marr. A-la-Mode i. i, You have learn'd the advantages of Play, and can arrive to live upon't.1719Swift To Yng. Clergyman Wks. 1755 II. ii. 2 If such gentlemen arrive to be great scholars.
c. trans. Only poet. See 6.
1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. V, cxlvii, And by what waies Hee may arrive his End.
8. a. intr. To come to a certain stage of development, by natural growth, lapse of time, etc.; to reach, attain. Const. (to obs.) at.
1599Shakes. Hen. V, iii. Cho. 21 Eyther past, or not arriu'd to pyth and puissance.1634Evelyn Diary (1827) I. 10 Being arriv'd to her 20 yeare of age.1711Addison Spect. No. 123 ⁋4 They were each of them arrived at Years of Discretion.1747Gould Eng. Ants 49 When the Worms arrive to their Period of Transmutation.1850Lynch Theo. Trin. ix. 162 We and the world have arrived at our present, and shall arrive at our future.
b. Of time and temporal states: To come, so as to be present.
1748Smollett Rod. Rand. v. (1804) I. 20 At length the hour arrived.1847Bushnell Chr. Nurture ii. v. (1861) 318 As the knowledge of his nobler, unseen Fatherhood arrives.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. 31 The time had arrived.
9. a. To come about, come to pass, occur, happen, as an event. Obs. (exc. where it has somewhat of the temporal sense of 8, as ‘come about in course of time.’)
1633H. Cogan Pinto's Voy. lxxv. 305, I will speak no further of him, but will deliver that which arrived in other Countries.1651Hobbes Leviath. i. xii. 52 Causes of all things that have arrived hitherto, or shall arrive hereafter.1713Addison Cato iii. iv. 6 That whate'er arrive, My friends and fellow-soldiers may be safe.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. v. 501 Under whose management such misfortunes had arrived.1862Trench Mirac. xvii. 278 This was precisely what they had long hoped would arrive.
b. Const. to, rarely at. Obs.
a1677Barrow Serm. I. i. (R.) No considerable damage can arrive to us.1713Guardian No. 1 ⁋5 All sorrows which can arrive at me.1749Fielding Tom Jones xv. vi. (1840) 221/2 Any such event may arrive to a woman.
c. trans. To happen to, befall. Obs.
1655Evelyn Mem. (1857) III. 65 The calamity which lately arrived you.1659Milton Civ. Power Wks. 1847. 418/2 Let him also forbear force..lest a worse woe arrive him.
10. Of a person: to be successful, establish one's position or reputation. [After F. arriver.]
1889E. C. Dowson Let. 3 Feb. (1967) 32 Imagine a man of low origin, extremely strong, cynical & determined to ‘arrive’.1893F. Adams New Egypt 197 He is a younger man, and has, in the large sense of the word, only arrived comparatively recently.1914[see arriviste].1936English Studies XVIII. 53 The book was Herrick's greatest success... With Together Herrick arrived.
II. aˈrrive, n. Obs.
[f. prec. vb. (In the early instance prob. an error for armé, which is the prevalent reading.)]
Landing; arrival.
c1386Chaucer Prol. 60 (Harl. MS.) At manye a nobil ariue [Cambr. MS. aryue, others arme, -ee, -eye] hadde he be.1538Starkey England 57 The haven or place of hys arryve.1615Chapman Odyss. ii. 379 His wife should little joy in his arrive.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. 275 At his arrive at Babylon, he would enquire of the antiquity of their Records.




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