

单词 pragmatical
释义 pragmatical, a. (n.)|prægˈmætɪkəl|
[f. as pragmatic + -al1: see -ical.]
A. adj.
1. = pragmatic a. 1. Now rare.
1543Formul. Faith N ij b, Sith that time, the canons pragmatical of these two counsailes, be no where used, nor yet alleged, as to be of effecte.1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. Wks. (Grosart) II. 274 Had he euer studied any Pragmaticall Discourse; or perused any Treaties of Confederacy, of peace, of truce, of intercourse.1598Florio, Pragmatica, a pragmaticall law.1625Bacon Ess., Greatness of Kingd. (Arb.) 481 They are sensible of this want of Natiues; as by the Pragmaticall Sanction, now published, appeareth.1656Earl of Monmouth tr. Boccalini's Advts. fr. Parnass. i. lxiv. (1674) 80 Peremptory or pragmatical Laws ought..to be published to the people when they themselves desire them.1682Burnet Rights Princes vi. 222 When St. Lewis by his pretended Pragmatical Sanction, restored the Liberties of Election.1882–3Schaff's Encycl. Relig. Knowl. I. 219/2 The so-called pragmatical sanction.
2. a. Of, pertaining to, or dealing with practice (as opposed to theory, etc.); practical; = pragmatic a. 5. Obs. exc. as used after Ger. pragmatisch.
1597J. King On Jonas (1618) 157 But this knowledge of theirs was not a curious & idle knowledge,..but a pragmaticall knowledge, full of labour and business.a1619M. Fotherby Atheom. Pref. (1622) 17 No better, then a kinde of pragmaticall Atheists.1704J. Harris Lex. Techn. I, Pragmatical..in Physicks, or Natural Philosophy,..is some⁓times used in a good Signification, and signifies the same as Practical, Mechanical, or Problematical. Thus Stevinus..calls some Mechanical and Practical Experiments..by the Name of Pragmatical Examples.1865tr. Strauss' New Life Jesus I. i. i. 4 The dogmatic treatment of the Life of Jesus inevitably passed into the pragmatical.Ibid., The significance of Christ in relation to modern times could only be substantiated..by treating his life as a pragmatical sequence of events on the same footing as that of other illustrious men.1906Hibbert Jrnl. Apr. 647 There is the practical or pragmatical form of Christianity usually associated with the name of James.
b. Matter-of-fact.
18..Hare (Webster 1864), Low, pragmatical, earthly views of the gospel.1886Athenæum 14 Aug. 203/3 ‘In One Town’, though a little pragmatical and matter of fact, is not uninteresting. It..confines itself entirely to the commonplace joys and mishaps of every-day men and women.
a. Engaged in action; actively engaged; prone to action or work; active, busy; business-like, methodical; brisk, energetic. Obs.
1601F. Godwin Bps. of Eng. 427 A man of a very pragmaticall and stirring humour.1612T. Taylor Comm. Titus i. 16 (1619) 320 He will cling to good mens company; be pragmaticall and busie in performing many sightly duties.1641Milton Animadv. Wks. 1851 III. 236 Can a man thus imployd, find himselfe..dishonour'd for want of admittance to have a pragmaticall voyce at Sessions and Jayle deliveries?1661Boyle Style of Script. (1675) 212 None of these pragmatical persons..will suffer himself to be so enslaved to his business, but he will allow himself set times..for eating.
b. Experienced in business or affairs; expert, practised; skilled; shrewd. Now rare.
1656Blount Glossogr., Pragmatical, that is expert in doing things, practised in the Law, and in many matters.1665Lloyd State Worthies ii. (1677) 85 So pragmatical a person as this gentleman was necessary among the Custom-house men.1822Heber in Jer. Taylor's Wks. (1839) I. p. ccciii, Political and pragmatical wisdom.
4. a. Unduly or improperly busy or forward; ‘assuming business without leave or invitation’ (J.); officious, meddlesome, interfering, intrusive. = pragmatic a. 2. Now rare.
1611–12Bp. Hall Impresse of God ii. Wks. (1624) 453 The absurd pragmaticall impudency of the present [Pope], in that grosse prohibition of a fauourable and naturall oath, for his Maiesties security.1656Stanley Hist. Philos. viii. (1701) 323/2 A wise man is not pragmatical; for he declines the doing of any thing that is beyond his office.1794Godwin Cal. Williams iv. 29 Coming to-day in this pragmatical way, when nobody sent for you.1829Scott Anne of G. xiii, How he dealt with the villains of Liege, when they would needs be pragmatical.
b. Conceited, self-important; opinionated, dogmatic; doctrinaire, crotchety.
1704Hearne Duct. Hist. (1714) I. 22 Those..whose Merit wholly consists in a pragmatical peremptory way of delivering their Opinions.1712Addison Spect. No. 481 ⁋4 Lacqueys were never so saucy and pragmatical as they are now-a-days.1724Swift Drapier's Lett. v. Wks. 1761 III. 92 Which..may perhaps give me the title of pragmatical and overweening.1834Lytton Pompeii i. ii, The Romans lose both by this pragmatical affectation of refinement.1862Burton Bk. Hunter (1863) 235 The pragmatical priggism which is the pedagogue's characteristic defect.
5. Of, pertaining, or according to pragmatism: = pragmatic a. 6.
1903Hibbert Jrnl. Mar. 577 The essentially pragmatical character of the scientific modes of ascertaining ‘truth’ is precisely one of the chief props of pragmatism.1938C. Morris in Internat. Encycl. Unified Sci. I. i. 68 The pragmatical factor which complements and completes the formal and the empirical factors.
6. Of or pertaining to pragmatics. Cf. pragmatic n. 4.
1939Mind XLVIII. 480 It is to be noted that ‘pragmatical’ as it occurs throughout this paper designates the relations holding beween signs and their users or interpreters, and is not to be confused with ‘pragmatic’ or ‘pragmatist’.1942R. Carnap Introd. Semantics 10 Examples of pragmatical investigations are: a physiological analysis of the processes in the speaking organs..; a psychological analysis of the relations between speaking behavior and other behavior, [etc.].1946C. Morris Signs, Lang., & Behav. 219 The present study has deliberately preferred to emphasize the unity of semiotic rather than break each problem into its pragmatical, semantical, and syntactical components.1957C. E. Osgood et al. in Saporta & Bastian Psycholinguistics (1961) 285/1 We may call the relation of signs to situations and behaviors..pragmatical meaning.
B. n. Obs. rare.
1. A busybody; = pragmatic n. 3.
1593G. Harvey Pierce's Super. 100 It is..not the busie Pragmaticall, but the close Politician, that supplanteth the puissant state.1613R. Cawdrey Table Alph. (ed. 3), Pragmaticall, a busie body.
2. One versed in business, etc.; = pragmatic n. 2.
1623Cockeram, Pragmaticall, one that understands the Law.
3. A pragmatical statement.
1617Bacon Let. Jas. I 25 July, That..your Majesty would bestow the thanks not..upon the eloquent persuasions or pragmaticals of Mr. Secretary Winwood.
Hence pragmatiˈcality, the quality of being pragmatical (in various senses).
1846Mrs. Gore Eng. Char. (1852) 3 The moment an Englishman feels the pragmaticality of his native land too much for his spirits, off he goes, to relieve himself abroad.1887Ch. Times 28 Oct. 869/2 The miserable ‘unsaved’ pragmaticality which sends to the Independent sects a class of persons in whom there is no great relish of salvation.




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