

单词 portion
释义 I. portion, n.|ˈpɔəʃən|
Forms: 4 porciun, 4–6 -ion, -ioun (etc.); 4–5, 7 portioun, 7– ione, 5– portion.
[ME. porciun, portion, a. OF. porcion, portion (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. portiō-nem share, part, proportion (whence also Prov., Sp. porcion, It. porzione, Pg. porção).]
1. a. The part (of anything) allotted or belonging to one person; a share. Also fig.
a1300Cursor M. 4746 (Cott.) He salde ilk man his porcion [v.rr. -ciun, -cioun].c1325Chron. Eng. 352 (Ritson) The kyng of Esex wes riche mon, He hade to ys portion Wylteschire, Barkschyre.1382Wyclif Luke xv. 12 Fadir, ȝyue to me the porcioun of substaunce, ethir catel, that by⁓fallith to me.c1400Ywaine & Gaw. 3585 Gif the yonger damysele The half, or els sum porciowne, That sho mai have to warisowne.1535Coverdale 1 Esdras v. 8 Euery man sought his porcion agayne in Iewry.1591Shakes. 1 Hen. VI, v. iii. 125, I vnworthy am To woe so faire a Dame to be his wife, And haue no portion in the choice my selfe.1696Phillips (ed. 5), Portion, a Lot, or Share of any thing that is to be parcell'd out or divided.1772Junius Lett. lxviii. (1820) 338 The study of the law requires but a moderate portion of abilities.1847Mrs. A. Kerr tr. Ranke's Hist. Servia 25 He honourably performed his portion of the compact.
b. A quantity or allowance of food allotted to, or enough for, one person.
1484Caxton Fables of Poge ii, She dyd brynge to hym [a poor man] his porcion as she was custommed for to doo.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. ccxxii. [ccxviii.] 691 To close you vp in a castell, and there to be holden vnder subiection, and to lyue by porcion.1611Bible Esther ix. 22 Daies of feasting and ioy, and of sending portions one to another.1629Wadsworth Pilgr. iii. 16 Each man hath..brought him..halfe a pound of beefe which they call their portion.c1880Newspaper, The demand, in London alone, for soles [fish] of the size to make one ‘portion’.
2. The part or share of an estate given or passing by law to an heir, or to be distributed to him in the settlement of the estate. Also fig.
a1340Hampole Psalter xv. 5 He is porcioun & mede of myn heritage.c1440Jacob's Well 21 In defraude of here wyves & chylderyn, to lettyn hem fro þe porcyoun þat longyth to hem, be ryȝt.1538Starkey England i. iv. 113 Inheritarys to a grete porcyon of intaylyd land.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. ii. 2 Full little weenest thou what sorrows are Left thee for porcion of thy livelyhed.1642Fuller Holy & Prof. St. v. xix. 437 On whom the earth as their common mother bestowed a grave for a childs portion.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 21 Sir Joseph Jekyll decreed, that the plaintiffs were entitled to their original portions, as well as to the additional portions given by the will.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xii. III. 210 On what security..could any man invest his money or give a portion to his children, if he could not rely on positive laws and on the uninterrupted possession of many years?
3. Dowry; a marriage portion. Also portion-money. (In quot. 1511 = dower 1.)
1511Fabyan Will in Chron. (1811) Pref. 7 Also I will that my chalice, wt my ij crewetts and pax of siluer,..whiche before daies I gave to my wif, remayn styll to her, in augmentyng of hir porcion.1602Warner Alb. Eng. ix. xlvii. 221 Who loues not for the Person but the Portion loues no whit.1625Boswell in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. i. III. 195 Her portion money..is already paying here.1647N. Bacon Disc. Govt. Eng. i. xli. (1739) 64 This custom..[was] from the Latins, who used to give Dower with the man, and receive Portion with the woman.1726Swift Gulliver i. i, I married Mrs. Mary Burton..with whom I received four hundred pounds for a portion.1861M. Pattison Ess. (1889) I. 35 Edward, on his side, is to give the moderate portion of 10,000 marks with his daughter.
4. That which is allotted to a person by providence; lot, destiny, fate. to lay one's portion with, to cast in one's lot with (lot n. 1 e).
a1325Prose Psalter xlix. [l.] 19 Þou..laid þy porcioun wyþ spouse-breches.c1400Apol. Loll. 51 If ani presume aȝen þis, know he him to haue porcoun wiþ Giezi.1535Coverdale Job xx. 29 This is the porcion that y⊇ wicked shal haue of God, and the heretage that he maye loke for of the Lorde.Ecclus. xxv. 19 Y⊇ porcion of the vngodly shal fall vpon her.1667Milton P.L. i. 70 Eternal Justice..here their Prison ordain'd In utter darkness, and their portion set.1709Steele Tatler No. 54 ⁋1 When Labour was pronounced to be the Portion of Man.1851Neale Hymn, Brief life is here our portion.
5. a. A part of any whole: = part n. 1.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 8118–20 A day here may be a porcyon Of ane hundreth yhere, als men may se, Alle-if þat porcyon fulle lytylle be.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 99 Þe norþ est portioun of Arabia hatte Saba.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxvii. 204, xxx thousand pounde of syluer to be payed within iii yere..euery yere x thousand pound by euyn porcyons.1633Sc. Acts Chas. I (1817) V. 103/1 That..portioun of the lordshipe of Dumbar boundit meithit and merchit as eftir-followes.1715tr. Gregory's Astron. (1726) I. 416 Such a Portion of the Ecliptic, as the Sun describes in the mean while by its Annual Motion towards the East.1831Macaulay Ess., J. Hampden (1887) 205 Almost every part of this virtuous and blameless life..is a precious and splendid portion of our national history.1860Tyndall Glac. i. vii. 48 A portion of the pressure was transmitted laterally.
b. Judaism. The section of the Pentateuch or of the Prophets appointed to be read on a particular Sabbath or Festival.
1892I. Zangwill Childr. Ghetto II. 87 Reb Shemuel was already poring over a Pentateuch in his Friday night duty of reading the portion twice in Hebrew and once in Chaldaic.1901M. Gaster Bk. of Prayer I. 47 The Minister then reads the first section of the Parashá (Portion of the Law for the ensuing Sabbath).1932L. Golding Magnolia St. i. ii. 17 She should have kept Sam in..to say the week's portion out of the Pentateuch, to do his soul good.1978H. Kemelman Thursday the Rabbi walked Out. x. 57 After the portion is read, you say another blessing..normally the Bar Mitzvah boy chants the portion from the Prophets, too.1980Jewish Chron. 15 Feb. 22/1 In next week's portion of the law, ‘Terumah’ (Exodus 25).Ibid. 39/4 Saturday, February 16 (Shevat 29). Portions of the Law (Torah)..Parashat Shekalim... Portion of Prophets (Haftara) [etc.].
6. A part of the whole existing stock (of anything); a (limited) quantity or amount; some.
13..Coer de L. 5413 The Sarezynes..cryede, trewes!..To the false Kyng off Fraunse; And he hem grauntyd..For a porcioun off golde.c1386Chaucer Shipman's T. 56 Toward the toun of Brugges for to fare To byen there a porcion of ware.1426in Surtees Misc. (1888) 6 He boght of John Lyllyng a porcion of alom.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 12 b, But grace, ye the leest porcyon of grace,..is sufficyent.1817Jas. Mill Brit. India III. vi. i. 8 Nujeef Khan, whose talents had..given a portion of stability to the imperial throne.1838T. Thomson Chem. Org. Bodies 965 It would not be surprising if a portion of water, so far from being decomposed, were actually formed by the union of its constituents previously existing in the grain.
7. The action of dividing; division, partition, distribution. Obs. rare.
c1450Life St. Cuthbert (Surtees) 4796 And parted in to twa knyghts hande, Be euen porcioune.1494Fabyan Chron. vi. cxlix. 136 After y⊇ which porcion, Charlmayne, herynge of the dyuycion & stryfe among the Almayns..sped hym thyther.1635Swan Spec. M. (1670) 174 That proportion is quite taken away which God the Creator hath observed in all other things: making them all in number, weight and measure, in an excellent portion and harmony.
II. portion, v.|ˈpɔəʃən|
[ad. obs. F. portionner, porcionner (1339 in Godef.) to apportion, divide into shares (= med.L. portiōnāre, 1374 in Du Cange), f. F. portion portion; see apportion.]
1. trans. To divide into portions or shares; to assign or distribute in shares, to share out; = apportion v. 2.
c1330R. Brunne Chron. (1810) 51 Þe barons portiond þe lond euen þam bituene.1725Pope Odyss. viii. 514 Now each partakes the feast, the wine prepares, Portions the food, and each his portion shares.a1763Shenstone A Vision Wks. 1765 II. 87 The journey seemed to be portioned into four distinct stages.1859Jephson Brittany xvi. 254 The petty chiefs among whom the country was portioned out.1887Bowen æneid v. 362 After the races are ended, the prizes portioned as due.
b. To allot or assign to any one as his portion or share; = apportion v. 1.
1871Browning Balaustion 2326 No: it was praise, I portioned thee, Of being good true husband to thy wife!1904Ld. Burghclere Virg. Georg. i. 43 Not that the gods Have portioned them some special gift [L. quia sit divinitus illis Ingenium], or fate Bestowed a deeper sense of things to be.
2. To give a portion or dowry to; to dower, endow.
1712M. Henry Commun. w. God (1822) 365 The Psalmist having given preference to God's favour,..and portioned himself in that, here expresseth his great complacency in the choice he had made.1838Murray's Handbk. N. Germ. 449 Louis of Arnstein, having no son, married and portioned off his seven daughters, dividing among them a part of his estates.1855M. Arnold Balder Dead 114 That one, long portion'd with his doom of death, Should change his lot, and fill another's life.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. iii. iv, When I marry with their consent they will portion me most handsomely.
3. To mix in due proportion; = apportion v. 3.
1811Self Instructor 514 Roman oker..when properly portioned with gum-water.
Hence ˈportioned ppl. a., ˈportioning vbl. n.
1732Pope Ep. Bathurst 267 Him portion'd maids, apprentic'd orphans blest.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. III. 521 Revenues..consecrated to the portioning of noble young ladies in marriage.1850Blackie æschylus II. 22 We all must bear our portioned lot.




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