

单词 physically
释义 physically, adv.|ˈfɪzɪkəlɪ|
[f. physical a. + -ly2.]
In a physical manner or way.
1. According to nature or the material laws of nature; materially; according to physics or natural philosophy or science; not intellectually, morally, or spiritually. physically impossible, impossible from the nature or laws of material things.
1581E. Campion in Confer. iii. (1584) Y iv, You reason physically: but we must not be led by senses in these misteries.1666Boyle Orig. Formes & Qual. (1667) 7 It is Physically impossible that it [matter] should be devoid of some Bulk or other, and some determinate Shape or other.1675R. Burthogge Causa Dei 48 It is not deni'd Physically, but Morally.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 417 The swelling of the ocean, by the joint attraction of the sun and the moon, is less physically intelligible, than the periodical effusions of the polar ices.1855Grove Corr. Phys. Forces (ed. 3) 182 An atom or molecule physically indivisible.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. xii. III. 217 It would be physically impossible for many of them to surrender themselves in time.1863Fawcett Pol. Econ. ii. ix. 264 It is physically impossible that any permanent rise in wages should take place without a corresponding diminution of profits.1870Jevons Elem. Logic ii. 13 Nothing can physically exist corresponding to a general notion.
b. Naturally, essentially, intrinsically. Obs.
1629H. Burton Truth's Triumph 58 Justification..the forme whereof is relatiue and not physically inherent in vs.1684T. Hockin God's Decrees 200 The will is physically ours, and the deed is also ours, but 'tis morally Gods.1793D. Stewart Outl. Mor. Philos. ii. ii. i. §322 Not to demonstrate that the soul is physically and necessarily immortal.
c. Practically. Obs.
1690Leybourn Curs. Math. 450 It is a Body, though Physically Round, yet full of uneven Asperities.1757Akenside in Phil. Trans. L. 324 The velocity of the fluids, in the remoter series of vessels, will be, physically, nothing.
2. As regards the body; in body; in bodily constitution; corporeally.
c1600Timon v. iv. (Shaks. Soc.) 87 Hee's an asse logically and capitally, not phisikallie and animallie.1651Baxter Inf. Bapt. 179 It may be the child's Action Morally, and in Law-sence, when it is only the Father's Action Physically.1846J. E. Ryland in J. Foster's Life & Corr. (1846) II. 107 Unless physically disabled.1877A. B. Bruce Training Twelve xxv. 425 Not till I become invisible physically shall I be visible to you spiritually.1882Mrs. Pitman Mission L. Greece & Pal. 194 These fellaheen are physically adapted to the climate.
3. Medically; medicinally; by medical rules.
1582J. Hester Secr. Phiorav. iii. cxv. 139 Then shall be finished the solution of Iron Phisically, the whiche thou maiest giue safely.1674R. Godfrey Inj. & Ab. Physic 208 To make it a Proverb, Qui Medicè vivit, miserè vivit, (i.e.) He that lives Physically, lives miserably.1712M. Henry Sober-mindedness Wks. 1853 I. 70 Then it [mirth] must be used like a medicine,—must be taken physically.




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