

单词 patriarchy
释义 patriarchy|ˈpeɪtrɪɑːkɪ|
[ad. Gr. πατριαρχία office of a patriarch (cf. monarchy, tetrarchy). Cf. also med.L. patriarchia, F. patriarchie a patriarchal church, patriarchium patriarchal residence or dignity (Du Cange).]
1. The dignity, see, or jurisdiction of an ecclesiastical patriarch; = patriarchate 1. Obs.
b. The government of the Church by a patriarch or patriarchs.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. vii. (1634) 551 All the old Synodes command bishops to be consecrate by their owne Metropolitanes; and they never bid the bishop of Rome to be called unto it, but in his owne Patriarchie.1641‘Smectymnuus’ Answ. (1653) Post. 86 Whence perhaps it is that the Sea of Canterbury hath affected a Patriarchy in our dayes.1657J. Sergeant Schism Dispach't 148 To limit the Pope's Patriarchy to a particular Province of Italy.
2. A patriarchal system of society or government; government by the father or the eldest male of the family; a family, tribe, or community so organized.
1632Lithgow Trav. v. 215 The posterity of which Patriarchy continued in bondage two hundred and fifteene yeares.1855J. Harris (title) Patriarchy; or, the Family: its Constitution and Probation.1894Daily News 14 Nov. 6/4 ‘Hierarchy and patriarchy’..summed up Alexander III.'s Slavonic policy.




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