

单词 oy
释义 I. oy, oe, n. Sc.|ɔɪ, ˈoɪ|
Forms: 5 o, 5– oy, oye, 8– oe.
[a. Gael. ogha, also written odha, pronounced (ˈoːa) = Ir. úa grandson, OIr. au descendant. O and oe appear to be etymologically the original forms in Lowland Sc.; in many parts of Scotland the diphthong oy is pronounced |oe|.]
A grandchild.
c1470Henry Wallace i. 30 The secund O he was of gud Wallace.1508Kennedie Flyting w. Dunbar 308 Belzebubbis oyis, and curst Corspatrikis clan.1564–5Reg. Privy Council Scot. I. 326 Jane Campbell, oy and ane of the airis of umquhile Finla Campbell.1640–1Kirkcudbr. War-Comm. Min. Bk. (1855) 131 James Lindsay of Auchenskeoch; Andro Lindsay, his sone;..Charles Lindsay, his oy.1718Ramsay Christ's Kirk Gr. iii. v, Auld Bessie..Came wi' her ain oe Nanny.1728General Mistake 193 Counting kin, and making endless faird, If that their granny's uncle's oye 's a laird.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. iv, There was my daughter's wean, little Eppie Daidle—my oe, ye ken.1868G. Macdonald R. Falconer v, What's the auld leddy gaein' to du wi' that lang-leggit oye o' hers?
b. A nephew; a niece. Obs.
1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. ix. 150 The ȝoung prince his oye with him was in als gret affectione, as he of his awne body had bene gottne.Ibid. x. 282 The Erle of Lennox brocht with him his wyfe, Lady Margaret King Henrie his oy.1673Wedderburn's Vocab. 11 (Jam.) Nepos, a nephew or oye.
II. oy, v.
Repr. variant pronunciation of hoy v.
1816W. Taylor in Monthly Mag. XLI. 527 There let them burr and oy, while tow'd aside.
III. oy, oi, int.|ɔɪ|
An exclamation used by Yiddish-speakers to express dismay, grief, etc. Occas. in wider use. Also oy vay, oy vey [a. G. Weh woe] (see quot. 1968).
1892I. Zangwill Childr. Ghetto I. xii. 270 The dispute thickened; the synagogue hummed with ‘Ei's’ and ‘Oi's’ not in concord.1924Dialect Notes V. 274 Exclamations in American English... Oy: ―, ― yoy.1928H. Crane Let. 22 Feb. (1965) 317 Oy-oy-oy! I have just had my ninth snifter of Scotch.1932L. Golding Magnolia Street iii. viii. 570 ‘And if you hadn't..oi! oi!’ said Ada. ‘It would have been awful!’1934Wodehouse Right Ho, Jeeves xi. 141 A story about a Scotchman, an Irishman, and a Jew... I said ‘Hoots, mon,’ ‘Begorrah,’ and ‘Oy, oy.’1939Mrs. P. Campbell Let. 28 June in B. Shaw & Mrs. Campbell (1952) 332 A Jewish Mother... The Mothers dialogue consisting of: ‘Oi; Oi; tch: tch.’1959B. Kops Hamlet of Stepney Green i. 12 Children, oy vay, don't talk to me about children.1963V. Nabokov Gift iii. 181 His trick of garbling Russian, in imitation of a farcical Jewish accent as when he said..‘Oy, vat a mudnik!’1968L. Rosten Joys of Yiddish 14 Two A[lteren] K[ockern] had sat in silence on their favorite park bench for hours, lost in thought. Finally, one gave a long and languid ‘Oy!’ The other replied, ‘You're telling me?’Ibid. 273 Oy is often used as lead-off for ‘oy vay!’ which means, literally, ‘Oh, pain’, but is used as an all-purpose ejaculation to express anything from trivial delight to abysmal woe.1975New Yorker 3 Mar. 34/3 The family gathered round for Passover. Oy, nephew! What's the world coming to.1976K. Thackeray Crownbird v. 91 ‘Oy vey, but he's recovered well,’ Stein thought.




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