

单词 overpress
释义 overpress, v. Now somewhat rare.|ˌəʊvəˈprɛs|
[app. orig. a variant of oppress, repr. L. opprimĕre; afterwards associated with more literal senses of press v., with various senses of over-.]
1. trans. To oppress; to burden or afflict with severity or cruelty; to oppress beyond endurance.
1382Wyclif Gen. xlvii. 13 In al the world breed lackide, and hungur oppresside [v.r. ouerpressid] the erthe.1496Dives & Paup. (W. de W.) vii. xxviii. 318/2 Thou shalt not therfore..ouerpresse hym with usurye.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. lxxxiii. [lxxix.] 247 He wolde ouerpresse them with taxes and subsydyes.1644Milton Judgm. Bucer Testimonies, P. Martyr, My mind is overpressed with grief.1744Eliza Heywood Female Spect. No. 7 (1748) II. 49 Her heart, overpressed beneath a weight of anguish, refused its accustomed motion.
2. To press upon with physical force, so as to overthrow or overwhelm. Obs.
1489Caxton Faytes of A. i. xii. 32 They ouerpresse and ouerstep one ouer that other.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccxxxvii. 338 He was closed in amonge his enemyes, and so sore ouerpressed that he was felled downe to the erthe.1612Drayton Poly-olb. viii. 116 His valiant Britans slaine..(o'represt with Roman power).1654–66Earl of Orrery Parthen. (1676) 680 He and all that followed him, over⁓pressed with multitudes were every one kill'd or taken.
3. To press down with a heavy weight; to overburden, overload. Obs.
a1577Gascoigne Flowers Wks. (1587) 169, I sawe the boat was overprest.1634Brereton Trav. 5 The ship..was heavy laden with merchants' goods, and more over⁓pressed with passengers.1713Swift Atlas Wks. 1755 III. ii. 74 A pedlar overpress'd Unloads upon a stall to rest.
4. ‘To overcome by entreaty; to press or persuade too much’. rare.
1818in Todd (with no quotation).
5. To press or insist upon (a matter) unduly.
1865M. Arnold Ess. Crit. x. (1875) 426 The motives of reward and punishment have come..to be strangely over⁓pressed by many Christian moralists.Mod. He sometimes overpresses his point.
6. To put too much pressure on (a person).
1886C. Browne in Pall Mall G. 16 Sept. 11/2 To educate a half-starved child at all is to over-press it.
So ˈoverˌpress n. = over-pressure; ˈoverˈpressed, -ˈprest ppl. a., oppressed, overcrowded, etc.; ˌoverˈpressing vbl. n.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §51 For feare of murtheryng or ouer pressyng of their felowes.a1586Sidney Arcadia (1622) 272 Care vpon care..To ouer-pressed breasts, more grieuous waight.1846E. Forbes Let. in Wilson & Geikie Mem. xii. (1861) 394 This weather, and the overpress of work..impede a fair recovery.1871Daily News 6 Jan., Horses which had succumbed under overpress of work.




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