

单词 over-love
释义 I. ˈover-ˈlove, n.
[In OE. oferlufu: see over- 29 b.]
Excessive love, too great love.
a1023Wulfstan Hom. xxx. (Napier) 149 Swa læne ys seo oferlufu eorðan ᵹestreona.1806Wordsworth in Chr. Wordsw. Mem. (1851) II. 168 Subject to fits of over-love and over-joy.1895J. M. Mather Lancashire Idylls, Would her over-love be punished by the child's death?
II. ˌover-ˈlove, v.
[over- 27.]
To love too much, love to excess. (trans. and intr.)
1583–91H. Smith Wks. (1592) 988 If we loue, we do ouer-loue, if we feare, we doe ouer feare.a1639W. Whately Prototypes ii. xxvi. (1640) 81 This is a weaknesse of Parents..to over-love some child above the rest.1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T. Matt. v. 4 The common fruits of overloving some Creature, and distrusting God.1892Lady Greville in Nat. Rev. May, Don't worry men, and don't over-love them.
So ˈover-ˈloving vbl. n. and ppl. a.; ˈover-ˈlover, one who loves too much.
1561T. Hoby tr. Castiglione's Courtyer iii. (1577) P j b, See for that shee was ouerlouyng she didde yll to hirselfe, to her husband, and to hir chyldren.a1661Fuller Worthies (1840) III. 485 Indeed some souls are over-lovers of liberty.a1668Davenant Dying Lover Wks. (1673) 318 Who kindly at his Mistress feet Does die with over-loving.




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