

单词 out-ower
释义 out-ˈover, ouˈtour, out-ˈower, prep. and adv. Now only Sc.
Forms: 4–6 out(e ouer, etc. (see out and over); 4 out-our, owtour, 4–6 outour, 5 outter, 5–6 owttour, ? 8 out-oer, 8–9 out owre, 9 out ower, out-ower, outower.
[f. out adv. + over prep. Cf. atour.]
A. prep.
1. a. Of motion or direction: orig. With the force of both words; also (more weakly) Over, across.
a1300Cursor M. 19720 (Edin.) In a lepe man lete him dune out ouir [Cott., Gött. vte ouer; Fairf. out ouer] þe wallis of þe tune.1375Barbour Bruce viii. 393 He thoucht weill that he vald fair Outour the month [i.e. the Grampians] vith his menȝe.c1475Babees Bk. 148 Oute ouere youre dysshe your heede yee nat hynge.1560Rolland Crt. Venus ii. 193 Furth can he fair Out ouir the bent.1785Burns Halloween xxvi, An in' the pool Out-owre the lugs she plumpit.a1810Tannahill My Mary Poems 127 Down frae the bank out-owre the lea.
b. Of position; Over, above.
13..Cursor M. 11489 Vte ouer þat hus þan stode þe stern.1513Douglas æneis v. iii. 65 The remanent of the roweris..With armis reddy outour thair airis fald.1785Burns Death & Dr. Hornbook iv, The rising moon began to glowr The distant Cumnock hills out-owre.1858M. Porteous Souter Johnny 11 To crack a joke..Out ower a gill.
2. fig.
a. Of degree: Over, above; in a position of superiority to; more than; beyond. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 19625 (Edin.) It es to þe oute ouir [Cott., Gött. vte ouer] miȝte Ogain þi stranger for to fiȝte.1375Barbour Bruce ix. 489 Tharfor had he outour his peris renowne.17..Earl Richard's Daughter xliv. in Child Ballads (1892) viii. cclii. B. 405/1 And there he saw that lady gay, The flower out-oer them a'.
b. In transgression of. Obs.
13..Cursor M. 6526 (Cott.) Vt ouer þe forbot [G. Again þe forbod] sua þai dide.
B. adv. Over; across; outside.
13..Cursor M. 3930 He lai on þe ta side o flum jordan, And send his aght vte-ouer ilkan.1785Burns Halloween xix, He..tumbl'd wi' a wintle Out-owre that night.1818Edin. Mag. Oct. 327 (Jam.) To stand outower, to stand completely without the inclosure, house, etc.




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