

单词 otherwhile
释义 otherwhile, adv. Now rare or dial.|ˈʌðəhwaɪl|
Forms: see other a. and while. Also as two words, or hyphened.
[f. other a. + while n.]
1. At one time or other; at times; sometimes, now and then, occasionally. otherwhile..otherwhile, at one time..at another time (in OE. hwíle..hwíle). Obs. exc. dial.
c1175Lamb. Hom. 23 Noþeles oðerhwile þu sunegest mid summe of þisse limen.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 147 Oðer⁓wile wanne hie seȝen men wanred þolien.1340Ayenb. 40 Oþerhuyl of þe on: oþerhuil of þe oþren, oþerhuyl of on and of oþre.1382Wyclif Ecclus. xiii. 21 As a wlf shal comune to a lomb otherwhile [1388 sum tyme].1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) I. 71 Tigris and Euphrates, whiche be other while separate and oþerwhile commixte.1509Hawes Past. Pleas. xx. (Percy Soc.) 98 Besechyng you..Yet other whyle to thynke upon me.1607Bp. Hall Art Div. Medit. xxiii. 117 Otherwhile and ofter thy back is turned unto him through negligence.1875Parish Sussex Dial. s.v., I has a horn of beer otherwhile, but never nothing to do me no hurt.
b. as adj. Occurring now and then, occasional.
1589Nashe Pref. Greene's Menaphon (Arb.) 16 The other⁓while vacations of our grauer Nobilitie.
c. quasi-n. in every otherwhile (properly three words, every other while, like every other minute), every now and then, at frequent intervals. Obs.
1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 160 A thyng litle to the benefite of a commen weale, euery other whyle to chaunge the Capitaines.1617Hieron Wks. (1619–20) II. 315 Euery other-while there commeth newes of some of the gallants of the times.1736Pegge Kenticisms (E.D.S.) s.v., ‘Every otherwhile a little’, i.e. a little now and then.
2. At another time, or at other times. Chiefly as correlative to sometime or an equivalent. arch.
In the first two quots. the sense is doubtful: it may be 1.
1401Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 101 Daw, thou herdist me not grucche that ȝe went two togedir; ffor otherwhile ȝe gon three.c1460Fortescue Abs. & Lim. Mon. vii. (1885) 124 Oþer while he shall sende his procuratours and messengers to the counselles generalles.1586W. Webbe Eng. Poetrie Ded. (Arb.) 14 Alexander..leaned sometime too hard, other⁓whyle too soft, as neuer hauing beene apprentice to the Arte.1628Gaule Pract. The. (1629) 92 One while, her holy life bids him not suspect her dishonest; other while, his owne weakenesse and ignorance bids him not be perswaded.1720Connect. Col. Rec. (1872) VI. 184 A certain man, who was sometime taken for Nathaniel Wilson, other⁓while for John Clements.1855M. Arnold Balder Poems 1877 I. 152 But the gods went not now, as otherwhile, Into the tilt-yard.1869Freeman in Stephens Life (1895) I. 434 Other while I have never ventured to utter a word.




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