

单词 obligate
释义 I. obligate, ppl. a.|ˈɒblɪgət|
[ad. L. obligāt-us, pa. pple. of obligāre to oblige.]
1. Bound by oath, law, or duty; obliged. Obs.
1432–50tr. Higden (Rolls) V. 185 A man obligate [1387 Trevisa Þat hadde obleged hym self] to the deville for þe luffe of a mayde.1538–9Instr. Hen. VIII, Visit. Monast. (1886) 22 That they be in no case..obligate to the same.
2. Biol. That is of necessity such. obligate parasite, an organism of necessity parasitical.
1887Garnsey tr. De Bary's Morph. & Biol. Fungi vii. 356 Obligate parasites, that is, species to which a parasitic life is indispensable for the attainment of their full development.1890B. A. Whitelegge Hygiene & Pub. Health x. 227 Parasites..found to grow under any known conditions as saprophytes are distinguished as ‘obligate’ parasites.
II. obligate, v.|ˈɒblɪgeɪt|
[f. L. obligāt-, ppl. stem of obligāre to oblige.]
1. trans. To bind round, fasten up. Obs.
c1600Timon iii. v, Let it be lawfull for me..to ligate and obligate your eares with my words.
2. fig. To bind, connect, attach. Obs.
1547Hooper Declar. Christ xi. Wks. (Parker Soc.) 84 Therefore is not the interpretation of the scripture obligated unto an ordinary power, nor to the most part.
3. To bind (a person) by a moral or legal tie.
a. To put under moral obligation, to oblige. Chiefly in pass.: To be bound or compelled. In later use chiefly dial. and U.S. colloq.
1668in Athenæum (1894) 2 June 710/1 My station obligates me to render service with obedience to her commands.1764Foote Mayor of G. i. Wks. 1799 I. 171 Sir, I am obligated to leave you.1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 308 The more ties wherewith we are obligated to any, the nearer he stands in proximity to us.1859W. Anderson Disc. (1860) 308 You are not only warranted but obligated to vindicate yourself.1888‘C. E. Craddock’ Despot of Broomsedge Cove 146 The parson..was ‘obligated’ to go down to the Settlement.1900S. R. Crockett Little Anna Mark xl. 340 When she came to New Milns she was obligated to go to the Scots kirk with Sir James.
b. To bind by law.
1755N. Magens Insurances II. 109 If a Master sells his Ship, the new Master and Sailors shall not be obligated to each other.1879Standard 15 Dec. (D.), The Royal Princes..having been properly obligated, were invested as Knights of the Temple and Malta.1888in Bryce Amer. Commw. II. App. 673 Every contract..by which a debtor is obligated to pay any tax.
4. To make (a thing) a security; to pledge, pawn, mortgage; cf. oblige v. 3 a. Obs.
1541in R. G. Marsden Sel. Pl. Crt. Adm. (1894) I. 107 The..capitayn..hath full power..to bynd and obligate..the shipp with her frayghte.1774S. Hallifax Anal. Rom. Law (1795) 87 Actio Serviana..for the recovery of goods, obligated by the Hirer, as a security for his Rent.1890E. Johnson Rise Christendom 57 Which things..we forbid to be alienated and obligated, except for the sake of the redemption of captives.
5. a. = oblige v. 6, 7. (Not now in good use.) In later use chiefly dial. and U.S. colloq.
1692South 12 Serm. (1697) I. 503 While the Courteous person thinks that he is obligating and doing such an one a kindness, the Proud person..accounts him to be only paying a debt.1726G. Roberts Four Years Voy. 159 Yet, said they, we are more obligated to St. Antonio, because it was he that directed the Portuguese..to this Island.1810Shelley Lett. Pr. Wks. 1880 III. 333, I am much obligated by the trouble you have taken to fit it for the press.1882Nature XXV. 453/2 For which all scientific men will feel deeply obligated.1898J. Macmanus Bend of Road 73 I'll be happy to obligate ye.1919F. Hurst Humoresque 226 She thought maybe..I'd go over to her place for Wednesday-night supper for a change. You know how a girl like Clara gets to feeling obligated.1955C. McCullers in Mademoiselle Nov. 134/1 ‘I can't stay but just a minute,’ John said. ‘I'm obligated to sell those tickets. I have to eat and run.’1963PMLA LXXVIII. iv. ii. 11/1 Many of them felt obligated to turn out teaching materials as a kind of quid pro quo for their $350 stipend.1970N. Armstrong et al. First on Moon ix. 212 The foreman..has to side with his mechanics because he is obligated to a schedule.1975N.Y. Times 29 Nov. 26/1 President Ford is obligated early next month to report to Congress on the ‘progress’ of negotiations looking toward a Cyprus settlement.
b. To render (conduct, etc.) obligatory.
1879G. Macdonald P. Faber I. xvii. 219 The purpose justified an interest in him beyond what gratitude obligated.
Hence ˈobligated ppl. a.
1741Richardson Pamela II. 72 Your so much obligated Pamela.1813T. Busby tr. Lucretius I. iii. Comm. p. xxx, If..the only obligated difference..be its subjection to mortality.




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