

单词 nutritive
释义 nutritive, a. and n.|ˈnjuːtrɪtɪv|
Also 5–6 nutrytive (5 -tiff, -tyf), 5 nutritiff, -tyf; 6–7 nutritiue.
[a. F. nutritif, -ive, = Sp., Pg., and It. nutritivo, ad. med.L. nūtrītīv-us, f. ppl. stem of nūtrīre to nourish: see -ive.]
A. adj.
1. Having the property of nourishing; nutritious, nutrimental.
c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 195 Which sesoun is to flewme nutritiff.c1440Hors, Shepe & G. 376 Holsom is moton:..Ful nutritiff aftir a gret accesse.1491Caxton Vitas Patr. (W. de W. 1495) i. xl. 60 The physycyens counseylled her that she sholde ete metes more nutrytyf.1566Drant Horace, Sat. i. iv. G viij, Egges longe and whyte be nutritiue muche better then the rounde.1601Holland Pliny II. 567 The broth of Limpins, Muscles, Cockles and Wilkes, is verie nutritive, and maketh them fat that use it.1667Phil. Trans. II. 513 The Humours..in all Animals are Nutritive.1704F. Fuller Med. Gymn. (1711) 85, I had reason to believe it did in some Measure prove Nutritive.1748Hartley Observ. Man i. iii. §2. 342 We infer that the Bread before us is nutritive and wholesome.1842Combe Digestion 63 Both the chyle and the venous blood are converted into red, arterial, or nutritive blood.1881Tyndall Ess. Floating Matter Air 215 In the case of very nutritive infusions..the interval ought to be shorter.
fig.1654Jer. Taylor Real Pres. 61 He is nutritive in all the ways of spiritual manducation.1868Browning Ring & Bk. ix. 19 Throughout our city nutritive of arts.
2. Of, pertaining to, or concerned in, nutrition.
c1400tr. Secreta Secret., Gov. Lordsh. 96 Of strengthe nutrityf, and infirmatyf, and sustantyf.1546Langley tr. Pol. Verg. de Invent. i. iii. 5 The Riuer Nilus..hath in it selfe naturally a certain power nutrytiue.1650Bulwer Anthropomet. 171 Admonishing us of alition, and the work of the Nutritive Faculty.1658Manton Expos. Jude ii, Life hath a nutritive appetite joined with it.a1716South Serm. (1744) IX. ii. 44 The hidden nutritive power of the Divine Benediction being withheld.1756Burke Subl. & B. Introd., The qualities which they possess for nutritive or medicinal purposes.1849Balfour Man. Bot. §43 These Compound Organs may be divided into Nutritive, or those concerned in the nourishment of the plant.1871T. R. Jones Anim. Kingd. (ed. 4) 79 The circular marginal canal into which the nutritive tubes, radiating from the stomach, empty themselves.1894H. Drummond Ascent Man 326 Defective nutritive conditions produce males.
3. Giving or providing nourishment.
a1548Hall Chron., Rich. III 55 b, Suche as made warre for the welthe and tuycyon of ther awne naturall and nutritive countrey.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 1304 The Stoicks..holde that the generative and nutritive Spirit, is Bacchus.1667J. Flavel Saint Indeed (1754) 40 He was pitied by a Lord of Italy, who..wished him to be more careful and nutritive of his person.1881Lankester in Encycl. Brit. XII. 554/2 In the Siphonophora, in addition to nutritive (hydriform) persons and generative (medusiform) persons, there may be rows of swimming-bells.
B. n. A nourishing article of food.
a1440Burgh Cato 617 Reffressheth you with this holsom diete... To your persone me thynkith it ful meete For to receyue such a nutrytiue.1601Holland Pliny II. Index.1638Rawley tr. Bacon's Life & Death (1650) 50 Things alike in Substance, to the Body of Man, are, Nutritives; Fat Fleshes.1699Burnet 39 Art. xxv. 283 An abstinence which is made up with other delicious and inflaming Nutritives.1896Allbutt's Syst. Med. I. 414 All are found in some respects to be faulty as nutritives.
Hence ˈnutritively adv.; ˈnutritiveness.
1727Bailey (vol. II.), Nutritiveness.1847in Webster.1856Orr's Circ. Sci., Pract. Chem. 341 Pigeons and fowls, however, surpass beef in nutritiveness.1889Harper's Mag. June 60/2 He had been eating nutritively of the tree of artistic knowledge.




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