

单词 prescript
释义 I. prescript, n.
(ˈpriːskrɪpt, prɪˈskrɪpt)
Also (in sense 3) præscript.
[ad. L. præscript-um something prescribed, a copy, task, precept, rule, etc., n. use of pa. pple. neut. of præscrībĕre to prescribe. So F. prescript.]
1. That which is prescribed or laid down as a rule; an ordinance, rule, law, precept, command; a regulation, direction, instruction.
c1540tr. Pol. Verg. Eng. Hist. (Camden) I. 19 Emonge artificers and husbandmen it is receaved as a prescripte that thei should sweate bie noe meanes.1543Becon Policy of War Wks. 1560 I. 128 b, They worshipped and serued him..according to the prescripte of his holy worde.1683Tryon Way to Health 624 To conduct the rest of their Lives according to the Prescripts of Chastity and Virtue.1797Burke Regic. Peace iii. Wks. VIII. 359 The legitimate contributions which he is to furnish according to the prescript of law.1898Westm. Gaz. 30 Aug. 5/1 Whether the French Government was consulted before the issue of the Prescript.
2. Medicine prescribed; also transf. a medical prescription. Now rare.
1603Harsnet Pop. Impost. 45 Your prescript is compounded of these delicate simples, Brimstone, Assa fœtida, Galbanum, S. John's Wort, and Rue.1647Trapp Comm. Matt. xxiii. 5 Like unto the foolish patient, which when the physician bids him take the prescript, eats up the paper.1710T. Fuller Pharm. Extemp. Title-p., A Body of Medicines, containing a thousand select prescripts.1749Shenstone Ode after Sickness 52 The nymphs that heal the pensive mind, By prescripts more refin'd.1891G. Meredith One of our Conq. (1892) 205 A medical prescript, one of the grand specifics.
3. nonce-use. That which is written beforehand or in the forepart (of a book, etc.); a preface, introduction.
1862Ld. Stanhope Pitt III. 408 He proposed that the paper should be sent unsigned, and with a Preface or Præscript as follows.
In the following, app. a misprint of the early edd. for prescription 4 b:
1596Bacon Max. & Use Com. Law ii. (1629) 85 In those cases prescripts will not serue, except it bee so ancient, that it hath had allowance before the Iustices in Eyre.
II. prescript, a.|prɪˈskrɪpt|
[In I., ad. L. præscript-us, pa. pple. of præscrībĕre to prescribe. So obs. F. prescript adj. (a 1430 in Godef.), F. prescrit. In II., f. pre- B. 1 + L. script-us written.]
1. Prescribed or laid down beforehand as a rule; ordained, appointed, fixed, settled. Now rare.
c1460Oseney Reg. 161 Of oolde & laudabile and lawfully prescripte custome.1551Robinson tr. More's Utop. i. (1895) 108 A prescripte and appointed some of money.1586Exam. H. Barrowe in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) II. 19 Whether he thinketh that any leitourgies or prescript formes of prayer may be imposed vpon the church.a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xxxiv. 290 The Prescript Rule of Hippocrates.1792Burke Corr. (1844) IV. 13 The prescript form to which the Church of Rome binds its clergy.1877Kinglake Crimea VI. viii. 482 Trying to make prescript words perform the task of a General.
2. Circumscribed, limited. Obs. rare—1.
1645–7E. Pagitt Heresiogr. 59 A prescript place like a Tub.
3. Acquired by or based on prescription; prescriptive. Obs. rare—1.
1652Needham tr. Selden's Mare Cl. 7 If any Doctors should..say, that the Republick hath a prescript Dominion over the Adriatick Sea, with a long possession, notwithstanding they prove it not.
4. Prior to the age of writing. nonce-use.
1883T. Kerslake in N. & Q. 6th Ser. VII. 283/1 The earlier southern incursions of the Patrician school [i.e. that of St. Patrick] through the estuary of the Severn, were in a darker and prescript age.




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