

单词 mutinous
释义 mutinous, a.|ˈmjuːtɪnəs|
[f. mutine + -ous.]
1. Of persons, their attributes, etc.: Given to mutiny, rebellious.
1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India Pref. 2 Heere also is described how to use and correct the stubborn and mutinous persons.1605Bacon Adv. Learn. i. ii. §8 Learning doth make the minds of men..pliant to gouernment; whereas Ignorance makes them..mutinous.1665Sir T. Herbert Trav. (1677) 251 Finding that neither by threats nor promises he could allay the mutinous humour of the Camp.1677Wood Life 14 Dec. (O.H.S.) II. 395 A..report that the Masters should be put out of the Convocation house, because that they in the election of orator had proved mutinous.a1715Burnet Own Time (1766) I. 141 He was mutinous when out of power.1820Shelley Œd. Tyr. i. 98 The troops grow mutinous.1828Scott F.M. Perth xiii, Let us take counsel in friendly fashion, rather than resemble a mutinous crew of mariners in a sinking vessel.1880McCarthy Own Times III. xxxii. 48 A mutinous spirit began to spread itself abroad.1882C. Pebody Eng. Journalism xxiii. 178 Sir Robert Peel found that, with the Press at his back, he could defy even his own mutinous followers to turn him out of office.
b. Turbulent, contentious. Obs.
1589Nashe Pref. Greene's Menaphon (Arb.) 15 Which makes our Poets vndermeale Muses so mutinous, as euerie stanzo they pen after dinner, is full poynted with a stabbe.1596Saffron Walden L j b, He is verie seditious and mutinous in conuersation, picking quarrells with euerie man that [etc.].1596Spenser F.Q. v. ix. 48 Then brought he forth Sedition, breeding stryfe In troublous wits, and mutinous uprore.1608D. T[uvil] Ess. Pol. & Mor. 2 Mutinous and turbulent assemblies.1621T. Williamson tr. Goulart's Wise Vieillard 77 Quarrell-some, mutinous, and mad-braine-sicke persons.
c. absol. as pl. Mutinous persons.
a1627Hayward Edw. VI (1630) 116 Charge [was] giuen that the lawes of England should be administred & the mutinous be seuerely suppressed [in Ireland].a1687Waller Maid's Trag. Alter'd Poems (1712) 206 Lend me your Guards, that if Perswasion fail, Force may against the Mutinous prevail.
d. transf. and fig. of the elements, passions, etc.
1610Shakes. Temp. v. i. 42, I haue..call'd forth the mutenous windes.1633Heywood Eng. Trav. iv. Wks. 1874 IV. 69 There are in this disturbed braine of mine So many mutinous fancies.1635–56Cowley Davideis i. 8 His mutinous waters hurry to the War, And Troops of Waves come rolling from afar.1695Ld. Preston Boeth. i. 34 The mutinous Passions of Grief, Anger, and Sadness do..distract thee.1820Shelley Ode to Naples 55 Elysian City, which to calm enchantest The mutinous air and sea!1821Hellas 156 By dreadful abstinence And conquering penance of the mutinous flesh.Ibid. 884 Mutinous passions, and conflicting fears.
2. Of the nature of or proceeding from mutiny; characterized by or expressing mutiny.
1592Nobody & Someb. (1877) B 4 b, Goe thou in secrete..Bring scandalls on the rich, raise mutinous lyes Vpon the state.1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. v. 90 What stratagems,..Erroneous, mutinous, and unnatural, This deadly quarrel daily doth beget!1609Holland Amm. Marcell. xv. v. 39 Terrified were we with the mutinous grumbling..of the souldiors.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §53 For the late license of printing all mutinous and seditious discourses was not yet in fashion.1717Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Pope 12 Feb., They..demanded justice in a mutinous way.1857Keith Young Delhi (1902) 3 What think you of the mutinous proceedings of the Native regiments?1865Dickens Mut. Fr. iii. i, Fledgeby appeared to be on the verge of some mutinous expressions.
3. [After F. air mutin.] = mutine a.2
1882J. Sturgis Dick's Wand. iii. xxix, She continued to regard him with a pretty mutinous look.Ibid. iv. xliv, ‘Oh, I like flirtations,’ said Miss Holcroft with her little mutinous air—‘other people's flirtations’.
Hence ˈmutinously adv., ˈmutinousness.
a1586Sidney Arcadia ii. (1891) 195 A people, in nature mutinously prowde.1629Jackson Creed vi. ii. xx. §2 The mutinousness of the Souldiers.1702Echard Eccl. Hist. (1710) 11 They mutinously cry'd out for a king.1859Thackeray Virgin. II. xiv. 114 She had behaved so mutinously.




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