

单词 mustard-pot
释义 ˈmustard-pot
A pot or cruet for holding table mustard.
In Wyclif's sarcastic phrase (which was often echoed by Protestant controversialists in the 16–17th c.) the word seems to mean a jar for keeping a supply of mustard ready mixed (covered with parchment to exclude the air).
c1380Wyclif Serm. Sel. Wks. I. 381 Þese lettris mai do good for to covere mostard pottis, but not þus to wynne men blis.1580Fulke Retentive, Dang. Rock xviii. 299 Their learned workes shall liue and be in honor, when the Popes decretalls..shall stoppe mustard pottes.1603H. Crosse Vertues Commw. (1878) 109 If they set forth any notable booke of diuinitie, humanitie, or such like, they are in no request, but to stop musterd-pots.1610–11in Halliwell Anc. Invent. (1854) 70 Item, two musterd pottes.a1745Swift Direct. Serv., Gen. Wks. 1751 XIV. 14 You may conveniently stick your Candle in a Bottle,..a twisted Napkin, a Mustard-Pot, an Inkhorn [etc.].17..R. Graves Fable in Dodsley Coll. Poems (1782) V. 73 The pepper, Tom assigned his lot With vinegar, and mustard-pot.




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