

单词 membrane
释义 membrane|ˈmɛmbreɪn|
Also 6 -aan, 7 -an.
[ad. L. membrāna membrane, parchment (whence late Gr. µεµβρᾱ́να, µέµβρᾱνον, F. membrane, Sp., Pg., It. membrana), f. membrum member n.
The etymological sense appears to be ‘that which covers the members of the body’.]
1. A thin pliable sheet-like tissue (usually fibrous), serving to connect other structures or to line a part or organ. Also collect. sing. = membranous structure.
a. in an animal body.
1615Crooke Body of Man 77 A Membrane ingirting the whole cauity of the lower belly.1679M. Rusden Further Discov. Bees 5 A Horny membrane or tunicle.1788J. C. Smyth in Med. Commun. II. 210 The membrane of the nose, commonly known by the name of Schneiders membrane.1831Brewster Nat. Magic ii. (1833) 10 Behind the vitreous humour, there is spread out on the inside of the eye-ball a fine delicate membrane, called the retina.1859J. R. Greene Protozoa 34 The ‘dermal membrane’ of the Sponge.1896Kirkaldy & Pollard tr. Boas' Text-bk. Zool. 336 Just below the portion of skin covered by the eyelids there is usually a thin and soft membrane, which is termed the conjunctiva bulbi.
fig.1626B. Jonson Staple of News iii. ii, Vertue and honesty; hang 'hem; poore thinne membranes Of honour; who respects them?
b. in a vegetable body.
1656Blount Glossogr., Membrane,..the pill or pilling between the bark and the tree.1681Grew Musæum ii. 213 A short Fibrous Lobe... Lined within with a most smooth and thin Membrane.1835Lindley Introd. Bot. (1848) I. 9 Membrane, as true cellulose, may be regarded as being in the beginning, a gelatinous precipitate from the organic mucus of vegetation.1846–50A. Wood Class-bk. Bot. 21 The organic basis [of vegetable tissues] is simple membrane and fibre.1852Henslow Dict. Bot. Terms, Membrane... A delicate pellicle of homogeneous tissue. Also a very thin layer composed of cellular tissue.1890Syd. Soc. Lex., Membrane,..the thin testa of a seed.
c. Ent. The terminal part of a hemielytrum.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. 618 The Apical Area is usually most distinguished by nervures..; the object of this is doubtless to strengthen the membrane.
d. Path. A morbid formation in certain diseases.
Also false membrane, pseudo-membrane, etc.
1765F. Home Croup 16 The..surface of the Trachea was covered with a white soft thick preternatural coat or membrane.1797Underwood Disorders of Childh. I. 346 That tough membrane found in those who have died of the inflammatory croup.1834Cycl. Pract. Med. III. 488/2 Membranes expelled in dysmenorrhœa.1835Ibid. IV. 176/1 A more severe form of pharyngeal inflammation is that which is accompanied by the formation of a false membrane.1905H. D. Rolleston Dis. Liver 603 Cases of gall-stone colic accompanied by membranes in the stools.
2. Parchment (obs.); in modern palæography, a ‘skin’ of parchment forming part of a roll.
1519W. Horman Vulg. 80 b, That stouffe that we wrytte vpon: and is made of beestis skynnes: is somtyme called parchement, somtyme velem, somtyme abortyue, somtyme membraan.1601in Nichols Progr. Q. Eliz. (1823) III. 552 Her rolls, bundells, membranes, and parcells that be reposed in her Majestie's Tower at London.1651Boate in Ussher's Lett. (1686) 564 The bare transcription of the Obelisks and Asterisks out of the Membranes.1656Blount Glossogr., Membrane,..a skin of parchment.1870L. Toulmin Smith in Eng. Gilds Introd. 44 ‘Miscellaneous Rolls, Tower Records’; they consist of three bundles, containing in all 549 skins or membranes.1890Gross Gild Merch. II. 137 The third membrane of this Roll.
3. attrib. and Comb., as membrane-like adj., membrane plaster; membrane-bone Ichthyol., a bone originating in membranous tissue; membrane filter, any of various filters made of cellulosic material and capable of retaining objects as small as bacteria; so membrane filtration.
1880Gunther Fishes 91 The principal *membrane-bone of the mandible is the dentary.
1951Jrnl. Amer. Water Works Assoc. XLIII. 975/1 It appears reasonably certain that *membrane filters have approached a degree of refinement that suggests their extended application.1969Methods in Microbiol. I. vii. 207 Membrane filters, as manufactured by the Millipore Corporation.
1951Jrnl. Amer. Water Works Assoc. XLIII. 945/2 Recent German development in the field of *membrane filtration.1957G. E. Hutchinson Treat. Limnol. I. ix. 646 The probability..that seston collected by membrane filtration or centrifugation is very largely detritus.
1765F. Home Croup 54 After a severe fit of coughing a *membrane-like substance..had been thrown out.1822–34Good's Study Med. (ed. 4) I. 460 In the disease before us we have neither inflammation nor membrane-like secretion.
1862Catal. Exhib. II. xvii. 128 Liston's *membrane plaster.
Hence ˈmembraned a., having or consisting of a membrane; ˈmembraneless a., devoid of a membrane.
1872Browning Fifine Prol. iv, The membraned wings So wonderful, so wide.1876tr. Wagner's Gen. Pathol. (ed. 6) 295 Membraneless, nuclear heaps of fine fat-globules.

Sense 3 in Dict. becomes 4. Add: 3. gen. Any thin, extended, sheetlike barrier of material, esp. one resembling a biological membrane in being (a) permeable to some substances, or (b) elastic or taut.
1876A. G. Bell in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. (1877) XII. 8, I placed the membrane of the telephone near my mouth.1891Jrnl. Chem. Soc. LX. 140 A solution of cupric sulphate superposed on a solution of potassium ferrocyanide precipitates at the dividing surface an exceedingly fine membrane of cupric ferrocyanide.1958J. S. Scott Dict. Civil Engin. 225 Membrane.., a thin film or skin, such as the skin of a soap bubble or a waterproof skin.1975Audubon May 22/1 A tank structure 80 to 90 feet deep from the deck and almost a quarter of a mile long, over which a thin membrane of steel, a mere 35 millimeters..thick, has been drawn.1981P. Davies Edge of Infinity (1983) i. 18 The surface of a balloon..is a membrane of rubber.1986Do it Yourself June 57/2 It is basically a standard 100mm concrete slab with a polythene sheet damp proof membrane laid over it.




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