释义 |
‖ meliceris Path.|mɛlɪˈsɪərɪs| Pl. melicerides |mɛlɪˈsɛrɪdiːz|. Also 6 meliciris, meliceres, 8–9 melliceris. [mod.L., a. Gr. µελικηρίς some eruptive disease, f. µελίκηρον honeycomb, f. µέλι honey + κηρός wax.] 1. An encysted tumour containing matter which resembles honey.
1562Turner Herbal ii. 121 b, Melicirides which are apostemes..haue an oylish thyng within them lyke vnto honye. 1597A.M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 18 The vlceration Meliceres differeth from the Ateroma. 1762R. Guy Pract. Obs. Cancers 31 Melliceris. 1847–9Todd's Cycl. Anat. IV. 97/2 The chief varieties of these [cysts] are atheroma,..meliceris,..and steatoma. attrib.1739Sharp Operat. Surg. 128 The Ganglion of the Tendon is an Encysted Tumour of the Meliceris kind. 2. ‘The fluid contents of a distended joint when yellow and honey-like’ (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1890).
1870Paget Lect. Surg. Pathol. xxi. (ed. 3) 672 [Synovial cysts.] Their contents possess a gelatinous or even a honey⁓like consistency which constitutes a form of Meliceris. |