

单词 mathele
释义 ˈmathele, v. Obs.
[OE. maðelian (also mæðlan: see mell v.1), f. mæðel meeting, discussion = OS., OHG. mahal assembly, tribunal, Goth. maþl:—OTeut. *maþlom.]
intr. and trans. To speak; to talk, prate. Hence maðelung vbl. n., maðelinde ppl. a.; maðelere, a talker; maðelild, a female chatterer, gossip.
Beowulf 371 Hroðgar maþelode, helm Scyldinga: ‘Ic hine cuðe cnihtwesende’.c725Corpus Gloss. C 854 (Hessels) Contionatur, maðalade declamat.a1000in Napier O.E. Glosses 38/1419 Verbositas, ᵹewyrd, maþelung.a1000Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 212/17 Contionator, i. locutor, motere, uel maþelere.a1225Ancr. R. 74 Hore muð maðeleð euer.Ibid. 80 Heoþ openeð hire muð mid muche maðelunge, & brekeð silence [etc.].Ibid., Ne blowe ᵹe hire [hope] nout ut mid maðelinde muðe, ne mid ᵹeoniinde tuteles.Ibid. 88 Ane maðelild [MS. T. maðelere] þ̶ maðeleð hire all þe talen of þe londe.




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