

单词 maneb
释义 maneb, n. Agric.|ˈmænɛb|
[Acronym f. the initial letters of manganese ethylene bisdithiocarbamate, the systematic name. Cf. earlier zineb n.]
A yellowish-brown organosulphur compound, Mn(S2C·NH·C2H4·NH·CS2) , used as a protective fungicidal powder on vegetables and fruit.
1954Chem. Abstr. XLVIII. 11315/2 (Index), Maneb.1956Ibid. L. 524 (heading) Tolerances for residues of maneb.1966McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. V. 563/2 Organic fungicides have become increasingly important since 1934... Examples are..nabam, zineb, and maneb, the sodium, zinc, and manganese salts, respectively, of ethylenebis (dithiocarbamic acid).1976Homes & Gardens June 131/2 Tulips are particularly susceptible to tulip fire... Apply a fungicide such as maneb or dineb at seven- to 10-day intervals until flowering.1986Canad. Jrnl. Plant Path. VIII. 323 Fungus diseases..were controlled by maneb.




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