

单词 malignancy
释义 malignancy|maˈlɪgnənsɪ|
[f. malignant a.: see -ancy.]
The quality of being malignant.
1. Disaffection to rightful authority. Obs. exc. Hist. as the hostile designation for sympathy with the royalist cause. (Cf. malignant B.)
1644(title) Medicine for Malignancy: or Parliament Pill serving to Purge out the Malignant humours of men disaffected to the Republic.1645in Greenshields Annals Lesmahagow (1864) 153 The Lady Marquesse of Douglasse,..being gravely examined anent her malignancie and obstinate continewance in the profession of poperie.1647May Hist. Parl. ii. i. 3 The malignancy, which at that time began to appear in people.1649Milton Eikon. ix. Wks. 1851 III. 404 Many of the Lords and some few of the Commons, either intic'd away by the King, or overaw'd by the sence of thir own Malignancy not prevailing, deserted the Parlament.1660Burney κέρδ. Δῶρον Ep. Ded. (1661) 2 Each holy text that mentioned a king, was then a note of Malignancy.
2. Path. Of a disease, morbid growth, etc. (Cf. malignant A. 2.)
1685Evelyn Mrs. Godolphin 148 There now appearing a kind of Erisypulus..the malignancy grew desperate.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Malignancy, malignant Nature or Quality; as The Malignancy of a Feaver.1724De Foe Mem. Cavalier (1840) 26 A slow..fever..turned to a burning malignancy.1826S. Cooper First Lines Surg. (ed. 5) 202 It cannot be cured without an operation; but it is quite free from malignancy.1898J. Hutchinson in Arch. Surg. IX. 295 The tumour..was..so suggestive of malignancy that amputation was contemplated.
3. Malign or baleful character; unpropitiousness; noxiousness, deleteriousness.
1601Shakes. Twel. N. ii. i. 4 My starres shine darkely ouer me; the malignancie of my fate, might perhaps distemper yours.1656Stanley Hist. Philos. v. (1701) 207/2 Jupiter [is placed] next Saturn, to abate his Malignancy.1727Swift What passed in London Wks. 1755 III. i. 187 There might be a pestilential malignancy in the air, occasioned by the comet.
4. Malignant or intensely malevolent disposition; envenomed hostility; desire to inflict injury or suffering.
1640Howell Dodona's Grove 109 His eldest Graff succeeded him a while in Royall favour; but he quickly fell, by the malignancie of great ones.1683Dryden Life Plutarch 43 The meer malignancy of a spirit delighted naturally in mischief.1706Reflex. upon Ridicule 390 Penetration gives her more artifice and malignancy.1782E. N. Blower Geo. Bateman III. 118 The malignancy of disappointed playwrights.1856Froude Hist. Eng. (1858) I. i. 17 A war unequalled in history for its fierce and determined malignancy.1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 505 If a man were..shot with an arrow, the cause of death is clearly the malignancy of the person using these weapons.
5. An instance of malignancy; a malignant quality.
1652Bp. Hall Myst. Godl. §7. 34 O Saviour, abundantly justified in the spirit against all the malignancies of men and Devils!1672Grew Idea Philos. Hist. Plants §8 What may best correct their Malignancies, or inforce their Virtues.1869Bushnell Wom. Suffrage vii. 141 They let in also little malignancies that are poisonous.1899Daily News 29 May 8/5 The merits of whose members compensate for the malignancies of their [golf] course.

Add:6. Path. A malignant tumour or cancerous growth.
1934in Webster.1935Imperatori & Burman Dis. Nose & Throat xxx. 352 Operable malignancies are those which are limited to the soft palate, or uvula.1974Anderson (S. Carolina) Independent 24 Apr. 4a/3 She told me the doctor had just told Mr. Coffee he had a malignancy and she wanted me to know.1988P. Gay Freud xii. 634 Freud stopped work..in early September, when there were alarming signs that his malignancy was active once again.




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