

单词 Mahomet
释义 Mahomet
(məˈhɒmɪt; in verse occas. ˈmeɪhəʊmɛt)
Forms: 4 Macamethe, 4–5 Machamete, Mac-, Makomete, Makamete, 4–6 Machomete, 5–6 Machomet, 6 Machamyte, Macomit(e, -yt(e, Mahomet(t)e, -ite, 6–7 Mahumet, 6– Mahomet. See also Mahound, maumet.
[Cf. F. Mahomet, med.L. Machometus, Mahumetus, Mahometus.]
1. The popular rendering of the Arabic name Muḥammad, borne by the founder of the religion of Islam (died 632). In literary use superseded by the more correct form Mohammed, and more recently Muhammad.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 301 Þe secte of macamethe.c1380Sel. Wks. III. 364 Alȝif þe fende..medle good wiþ þe yvel; for þus dide Machamete in his lawe.c1386Chaucer Man of Law's T. 235 The hooly lawes of oure Alkaron, Yeuen by goddes message Makomete [v.r. Makamete].Ibid. 238 Makometes lawe [v.r. Macometis].1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) I. 33 Þe fifte leuynge [L. ritus] of Sarazynes bygan vndir Makomete [1432–50 Machomete].c1400Mandeville (1839) xii. 131 Alkaron..the whiche Book Machamete toke hem.Ibid. 135 Machomet.1547Boorde Introd. Knowl. xxxvii. (1870) 214, I am a Turk, and Macha⁓mytes law do kepe. [Also: Macomyt(e, -it(e.]1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa iii. 151 Mahumets law affirmeth all kinde of diuinations to be vaine.1625Bacon Ess., Of Boldness (Arb.) 519 If the Hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet wil go to the hil.1678Butler Hud. iii. ii. 605 To hang, like Mah'met in the air, Or St. Ignatius, at his prayer.1821Shelley Hellas 221 The moon of Mahomet Arose, and it shall set.1881Sir W. Hunter in Encycl. Brit. XII. 792/1 Muhammad commonly known as Mahomet.
2. A quasi-deity. Obs. rare—1.
1553Eden Treat. Newe Ind. (Arb.) 25 Whom they honoure & reuerence as a great God & mighti Mahumet.
3. An idol. Obs. (Cf. maumet.)
[c1205etc.: see maumet.]a1500Chester Pl. x. 285 For Mahometis, both one and all, that men of Egipt Gods can call, at your coming downe shall fall.c1530Ld. Berners Arth. Lyt. Bryt. (1814) 147 At the laste..Arthur founde two ymages of coper..and whan Arthur sawe them, he toke his swerde in his hande, & layde on with all his myght on these mahomettes.1553Becon Reliques of Rome (1563) 88 Afterwarde thys doung-hel of Idolatry..set vp agayne her Idoles and mahomets.Ibid. 93* Brought into our Churche Idolles and Mahomettes.
4. = Mahometan, Muhammadan. Obs. (Cf. Mahomite.)
1508Kennedie Flyting w. Dunbar 526 Sarazene, symonyte,..Mahomete, manesuorne.1533Gau Richt Vay (1888) 105 The machometis and the turkis, the iowis and oder infidelis.1601W. Parry Trav. Sir A. Sherley 10 They are damned Infidels and Zodomiticall Mahomets.1747Mem. Nutrebian Crt. II. 197 From all parts of the neighbouring kingdom had drawn mahomets, coptics, and idolaters.
5. A kind of pigeon. ? Obs.[So called in allusion to the story that Muhammad had a pigeon which used to peck corn out of his ear, in order to make his followers believe that he received communication from the Holy Ghost in the form of a dove.] [1678: see maumet.]1735J. Moore Columbarium 51 Columba Numidica Alba. The Mahomet. This Pigeon is no more in Reality than a white Barb.1765Treat. Dom. Pigeons 141 It is the opinion of many fanciers, that the Bird called a mahomet is nearly of a cream colour.




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