

单词 ȝore
释义 I. yore, adv. (a.) arch.|jɔə(r)|
Forms: 1 ᵹeara, ᵹara, iara, ᵹeare, ᵹearo, 3 ȝar, ȝeare, ȝaure, 3–5 ȝare, 3–6 yare, ȝore, 4 yar, 5 yoore, 6 ȝoir, youre, 4– yore.
[OE. ᵹeára, also ᵹeáre, ᵹeáro, advb. formations of obscure origin.]
1. A long time ago; of old; freq. strengthened by full; also in collocation with ago, agone. Phr. it is (gone) yore (that{ddd}): long ago. Obs.
Beowulf 2664 Swa ðu on ᵹeoᵹuðfeore ᵹeara ᵹecwæde.c900tr. Bæda's Hist. ii. xiii, Ᵹeare ic þæt onᵹeat þæt ðæt nowiht wæs þæt we beeodan.Ibid. iii. xxii, Is se [sc. tun] be ðam wealle þe ᵹearo Romane Breotone ealonde begyrdon twelf milum fram eastsæ.c975Rushw. Gosp. Matt. xi. 21 Olim, Iara.a1000Boeth. Metr. i. 1 Hit wæs ᵹeara iu ðætte Gotan eastan of Sciððia sceldas læddon.c1050Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 427/6 Iam, ᵹeara, oþþe ᵹeoᵹara.c1205Lay. 4650 Þe king him ȝef Delcan þe ȝare wes mi leouemon.a1225Ancr. R. 88 Ȝare hit is þet ich wuste herof.a1300Floriz & Bl. 653 Nis noȝt ȝore þat i ne com And fond hire wiþ hordom.c1386Chaucer Sir Thopas Prol. 19 (Harl. 7334) Other tale certes can I noon But of a rym I lerned ȝore agoon.c1400Gamelyn 257 Sithen I wrastelet first it is gone ȝore.c1400Destr. Troy 13968 Til a ȝer was full yore yarkit to end, And a halfe, er þat end happit to fare.a1400–50Wars Alex. 1008 All þe ȝeris of oure ȝouthe es ȝare syne passid.a1425Cursor M. 5672 (Trin.) Woltou me sle herfore As þou didest þe egipcian not ȝore?1426Lydg. De Guil. Pilgr. 5696 And for that skyle gon ful yore,..I callede the my paramour.a1500Chester Pl. (E.E.T.S.) xx. 27 He dyed on Rood, gone is not yore.1513Douglas æneis xiii. Pref. 3 Ȝoir ago, in myne ondantit ȝowth.c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 927 Yare so, aincois ainsy.a1542Wyatt Poems, ‘Ryght true it is’, Ryght true it is, and said full yore agoo.a1550in Dunbar's Poems (S.T.S.) 320 The Gret Forlore Of Babylon, that I full yore Espousit.1613R. Cawdrey Table Alph., Yore, long agoe, before.
2. In time past; formerly, before. Obs.
a1250Owl & Night. 1180 Ich not ȝef þu were ȝaure prest.c1350Will. Palerne 1503 God..graunt ȝou ioye, For þe worchipe þat ȝe han wruȝt to me ȝore.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxiii. (vii Sleperis) 258 [He] lukyt vpe, & saw þare Þe sammyne takine he saw yare.c1400Rom. Rose 7597 Thus seide I now, and haue seid yore.c1450Cursor M. 2651 (Laud) Abraham hast þou yore by cald, That name no lengger shalt þou hald.a1500Chester Pl. (E.E.T.S.) xxiv. 513 Doe as thou hast yore behight.1570Levins Manip. 174/34 Yore, before, ante, prius.1574Mirr. Mag., Kimarus xii, A iust rewarde, for so vniust a life, No worse a death, then I deserued yore.
3. For a long time (past, or rarely to come).
c1275XI Pains of Hell 23 in O.E. Misc. 147 In helle ich habbe yare ibeo.a1300Vox & Wolf 169 in Hazl. E.P.P. I. 63 The wolf haueth hounger swithe gret, For he nedde ȝare i-ete.c1386Chaucer Clerk's T. 12 Thus in delit he lyueth and hath doon yoore.c1430Lydg. Chichevache & Bycorne in Dodsley O. Pl. (1827) XII. 304 And thus ye stonde and have don yore.1522World & Child C j, In englonde haue I dwelled yore.
4. of yore:
a. in advb. use: Of old, in time long past, anciently, formerly. Also of yore ago(ne, long yore: long ago.
a1375Joseph Arim. 317 Werdes of Ebreu weren I-writen of ȝore.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 13 For that he say it nat of ȝore a-go.1430–40Lydg. Bochas ix. xiv. (1554) 202 b/2 She was the same that of yore agon, Unworthelye sate in Peters place.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. July 116 The sayncts Which han be dead of yore [Gloss long agoe].c1600Shakes. Sonn. lxviii, To shew faulse Art what beauty was of yore.1632Milton Penseroso 23 Thee bright-hair'd Vesta long of yore, To solitary Saturn bore.1784Cowper Task ii. 591 A form, not now gymnastic as of yore.1819Scott Ivanhoe i, Here haunted of yore the fabulous Dragon of Wantley.1862Kingsley in Life & Lett. (1877) I. 477, I have defended the right of combination among the work⁓men, in hope that they would become wiser than of yore.1867‘Ouida’ Cecil Castlemaine's Gage 19 Proud Cecil Castlemaine was yet prouder than of yore.
b. in adj. use: Belonging to time long past, ancient, former.
1598Mucedorus iv. iii. 72 In time of yore.1612Drayton Poly-olb. v. 338 His Bishoprick of yore.c1705Pope Jan. & May 514 Well sung sweet Ovid, in the days of yore.1809–10Coleridge Friend i. v. (1865) 134 This is altogether different from the village politics of yore.1814Wordsw. Excurs. ii. 1 In days of yore how fortunately fared The Minstrel!1820W. Irving Sketch Bk. I. 80 (Rip van Winkle) The quiet little Dutch inn of yore.1883Whitelaw Sophocles, Philoct. 1151 For now I hold not in my hands The mighty shafts of yore.
c. With other preps.: e.g. for yore (obs.); in yore (pseudo-arch.). rare.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 586 Ȝet oþer þer werne..Þat swange & swat for long ȝore.c1350Will. Palerne 4174 Hire mi sone is founde þat sche for ȝore saide was sonk in þe see.1876Morris æneids v. 865 In yore agone.
5. as adj. Of old time; ancient, former. arch. and dial. yore while (advb. phr.), some time ago. Yore-flood (nonce-use), the biblical Flood.
yore-day is an echo of OE. on ᵹeárdaᵹum, ON. i árdaga in days of yore.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 322 Oure ȝore fader hit con mysseȝeme.Ibid. B. 842 Þete vus out þose ȝong men þat ȝore⁓whyle here entred.c1400Destr. Troy 9959 So hatnet hir hert in his hegh loue, And all ȝomeryng for-yeton of hir yore dedes.1866G. Stephens Runic Mon. I. p. v, Thousands of books and yore-day things.1876G. M. Hopkins Wreck of Deutschland xxxii, in Poems (1967) 62, I admire thee, master of the tides, Of the Yore-flood.
II. yore, ȝore
see ewer2, ore1, yare, your.




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